Posted Invoice for Wrong Amount

Thanks for the suggestions. We are still deciding between creating a miscellaneous invoice and going through the RMA process. Could someone outline the steps required to properly carry out an RMA? The Vantage Help file is not very descriptive on this. Thank you.

--- In, "CharlieSmith" <CSmith@...> wrote:
> The proper way would be to do an RMA returning the items to stock as a
> disposition and the re-shipping the items and re-invoicing.
> Charlie Smith
> Smith Business Services / 2W Technologies LLC
> <> /
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of pbriscoe10
> Subject: [Vantage] Posted Invoice for Wrong Amount
> Hello,
> I was wondering if someone could outline the steps required to fix this
> issue: we created a sales order for a kit (26 components inside). The
> sales order was for a set amount (components all have price of $0). The
> order line was accidentally left at $0 and made it through to the
> invoicing stage and was posted. Now, we need to re-invoice the customer
> for the correct amount without decreasing our inventory further.
> Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

I was wondering if someone could outline the steps required to fix this issue: we created a sales order for a kit (26 components inside). The sales order was for a set amount (components all have price of $0). The order line was accidentally left at $0 and made it through to the invoicing stage and was posted. Now, we need to re-invoice the customer for the correct amount without decreasing our inventory further.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
Depends on what impact having a zero dollar invoice with costs (basically a negative profit margin on that particular order) means to you. At this point you could create a manual invoice and send that to the customer.

--- On Fri, 6/26/09, pbriscoe10 <pbriscoe10@...> wrote:

From: pbriscoe10 <pbriscoe10@...>
Subject: [Vantage] Posted Invoice for Wrong Amount
Date: Friday, June 26, 2009, 4:41 PM


I was wondering if someone could outline the steps required to fix this issue: we created a sales order for a kit (26 components inside). The sales order was for a set amount (components all have price of $0). The order line was accidentally left at $0 and made it through to the invoicing stage and was posted. Now, we need to re-invoice the customer for the correct amount without decreasing our inventory further.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
The proper way would be to do an RMA returning the items to stock as a
disposition and the re-shipping the items and re-invoicing.

Charlie Smith

Smith Business Services / 2W Technologies LLC <> /

From: [] On Behalf
Of pbriscoe10
Subject: [Vantage] Posted Invoice for Wrong Amount


I was wondering if someone could outline the steps required to fix this
issue: we created a sales order for a kit (26 components inside). The
sales order was for a set amount (components all have price of $0). The
order line was accidentally left at $0 and made it through to the
invoicing stage and was posted. Now, we need to re-invoice the customer
for the correct amount without decreasing our inventory further.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I would do a miscellaneous invoice for the sales amount. Between the shipment (cost was posted, but revenue was not) and the miscellaneous invoice (revenue was posed , but cost was not) you will balance out.

Christy J. Morris
Cold Jet, LLC
455 Wards Corner Road
Loveland, Ohio 45140

+1 513-716-6370
+1 513-576-8986 (fax)<>

Setting industry standards in dry ice technology and solutions for over 20 years.
From: [] On Behalf Of pbriscoe10
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2009 4:42 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Posted Invoice for Wrong Amount


I was wondering if someone could outline the steps required to fix this issue: we created a sales order for a kit (26 components inside). The sales order was for a set amount (components all have price of $0). The order line was accidentally left at $0 and made it through to the invoicing stage and was posted. Now, we need to re-invoice the customer for the correct amount without decreasing our inventory further.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]