Has anyone had any experiance with Adding REST GET/POST Requests to work from Inside of Excel?
We have a Excel Document that Production is planning to use to update some UD fields on the JobOper Table. There is a pressing need to create a button that after the data as been entered can be clicked and update epicor directly.
What I am looking to do is call the API to either update a BAQ, or update the Job itself via calls to the Business Object. I am just having a hard time getting things conected to Excel
I found this video, but this only Gets data, and it also only uses the V1 version of the API, so there is no API-Key
I’ve done this to death in VBA as recently as a few years ago. Not Epicor-specific but I’ll see if I can scrape up some snippets when I get a minute. The request itself is just a matter of sorting through Epicor’s expectations for syntax and parameters.
VBA gets a bad rep but I’ve always thought that has more to do with being stuck in its awful IDE. The language itself is clunky and awkward sometimes, such is life.
Have you looked into using an Updateable BAQ/Dashboard.
Have them query for what they need to see, make the changes in the dashboard and then save.
Keep everything in the ERP.
This doesn’t seem like a very good idea, if the spreadsheet is too complex to mirror with an Updateable dashboard, a custom screen in Epicor would still be better.
Of course, I am familiar with being ordered to do something in an unwise manner, so if you have no choice I understand.
I have a rest helper for Excel. We do our initial cost adjustment on MTO parts with a crazy costing sheet and I push those into our Std Cost values using REST from Excel VBA. Could load values from a BAQ into excel if you wanted too. I wouldn’t do anything too crazy with it, but it’s very possible. I have a JSON convert module as well so my life wasn’t hell.
I copied a whole thing. It’s kinda Trello-specific, converting to Epicor is a matter of rearranging syntax. The relevant references and methods are there except JSON parsing. Pardon the mess, this was part of a mad coding dash in Feb 2000 because reasons and it just needed to work.
BTW GET in power query is great and I do highly recommend that. POST is a whole 'nother can of worms, aka, DIY data integrity because tons of that lives in the client and REST bypasses the client. </you’ve been warned>
Public Function WebRequestBuilder(resource As String, Subresources As String, Parameters As Dictionary) As String
WebRequestBuilder = baseURL
WebRequestBuilder = WebRequestBuilder & resource
If Subresources <> "" Then
WebRequestBuilder = WebRequestBuilder & Subresources & "/"
End If
WebRequestBuilder = WebRequestBuilder & "?"
If Parameters.count > 0 Then
Dim v As Variant
Dim params As String '%2E
For Each v In Parameters.Keys
params = Application.WorksheetFunction.EncodeURL(CStr(Parameters(v)))
params = Replace(params, ".", "%2E")
WebRequestBuilder = WebRequestBuilder & CStr(v) & "=" & params & "&"
Next v
WebRequestBuilder = WebRequestBuilder & "&"
End If
WebRequestBuilder = WebRequestBuilder & "key=" & TrelloKey & "&"
WebRequestBuilder = WebRequestBuilder & "token=" & TrelloToken
End Function
Public Function WebRequest(HTTPMethod As String, ByRef url As String) As Variant
Sleep 100
Dim result As String
Dim winHTTPRequest As WinHttp.winHTTPRequest
Set winHTTPRequest = New winHTTPRequest
winHTTPRequest.Open HTTPMethod, url, False
winHTTPRequest.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
' TODO: implement timeouts with feedback to the user
WebRequest = winHTTPRequest.ResponseText
If winHTTPRequest.status = 503 Then
MsgBox "503 Error - Webrequest could not connect" & Chr(10) & "Exiting..."
End If
If winHTTPRequest.status >= 300 Then
Dim httpStatus As Long
httpStatus = winHTTPRequest.status
Dim httpStatusText As String
httpStatusText = winHTTPRequest.StatusText
LogHandler.AddLog "WebRequest", "Method=" & HTTPMethod & ";Status=" & CStr(winHTTPRequest.status) & ";StatusText=" & winHTTPRequest.StatusText
LogHandler.AddLog "", "URL: " & url
LogHandler.AddLog "", ""
End If
End Function
I got this working for our purposes. This function is called for each row in the master document and satisfied managments requests.
Function UpdateEpicorWithBAQ(row As Integer)
liveKey = "YOUR LIVE KEY"
pilotKey = "YOUR PILOT KEY"
Dim JobNum As String
Dim OPCode As Integer
'Dim DueDate As Date
'Dim StartDate As Date
Dim SUHrs As Integer
'Dim SUStartDate As String
'Dim ProdStart As Date
Dim SchSeq As Integer
SchSeq = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Schedule").Cells(row, 2)
JobNum = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Schedule").Cells(row, 5)
OPCode = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Schedule").Cells(row, 6)
'DueDate = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Schedule").Cells(row, 9)
SUHrs = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Schedule").Cells(row, 13)
'StartDate = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Schedule").Cells(row, 16)
SUStart = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Schedule").Cells(row, 17)
'ProdStart = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Schedule").Cells(row, 18)
Dim filter As String
filter = "%24filter=JobOper_JobNum%20eq%20%27" & JobNum & "%27%20and%20JobOper_OprSeq%20eq%20" & OPCode
token = GetToken()
Dim req As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
Dim ReqUrl As String
Dim reqBody As String
Dim Response As String
ReqUrl = "https://YourPath/BaqSvc/TMC_VBAUpdate/Data?" + filter
req.Open "Get", ReqUrl, False
req.setRequestHeader "X-API-Key", liveKey
req.setRequestHeader "currentCompany", YOUR COMPANY
req.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer " + token
req.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
If req.Status <> 200 Then
MsgBox req.Status & " UpdateBAQ - " & req.responseText
Exit Function
End If
'MsgBox req.Status & " UpdateBAQ - " & req.responseText
Dim postReq As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
Dim postReqURL As String
Dim postBody As String
postReqURL = "https://YourPath/BaqSvc/TMC_VBAUpdate/Data"
postReq.Open "Patch", postReqURL, False
postReq.setRequestHeader "X-API-Key", liveKey
postReq.setRequestHeader "currentCompany", YOUR COMPANY
postReq.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer " + token
postReq.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
' Convert returnObj to ds for post request
Set postJobObj = JsonConverter.ParseJson(req.responseText)
postJobObj("value")(1)("JobOper_UD_SchSeq_c") = SchSeq
postJobObj("value")(1)("RowMod") = "U"
Dim newStr As String
newStr = JsonConverter.ConvertToJson(postJobObj("value")(1))
postReq.send newStr
If postReq.Status <> 200 Then
MsgBox postReq.Status & " PostUPDate Failed - " & postReq.responseText
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Schedule").Cells(row, 1).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
Exit Function
End If
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Schedule").Cells(row, 1).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 255, 0)
End Function