Possible to load Resource group unique to product?

Hey everyone.

Started recently for a company that made the jump from Vantage to 10. Big change!

Our operations are limited to 1. Cutting, 2.Assembly, 3.In process inspections and 4. final product inspection.

Problem is our product requires anywhere from 3 to 50 Assembly steps for manufacture with unique machines at each step. Back when the system was created, Manufacturing was resistant to treating each Assembly step as an operation (too much scanning/not enough working, multi job workers already have a tough enough time scanning on a job to begin with i.e language barriers) so only the one manufacturing operation was created for each product.

The Vantage consultant said in regards to scheduling, with the single operation comprising the time of all job steps, just to assign each type of resource needed to the Assembly operation, run the schedule and take notes on where the overload is.

Unfortunately, this can no longer be the case as Resource groups are now a requirement and (from what I read) only 1 resource group can be assigned to a single operation. If this is correct, then my possible solution would be that each Specific product would have the specific resource group tied to that product’s operation, the resources would be the individual machine types needed for that product.


Product A -----> Operation 2: Assembly --> Resource Group Product A --> Unique machine type 1, unique machine type 2 …ect… ect

Is this feasible?

You can have more than one resource per operation. It does not have to be a resource group, as you can specify a resource instead of group. In Engineering Workbench you can override a default operation resource group or resource and specify a specific resource.

Under Operation maintenance, you can add multiple resources.


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Didn’t have access to the Engineering Workbench (above my paygrade) so i glanced over that section in the User guide.

Hi Chris,

My problem is same as yours but opposite. We are in EPICOR implementation.
We have complex product (Which has 50+ Sub-assemblies) I want only 4-5 operations for each job (1. Build .2 Test. 3. inspect. 4. Complete or Receive it.) to have less hassle for data entry and reporting.
However, the other group wants separate operations for each activity (Actually is only assembling the parts not real operations like cutting bending milling etc).
For example, ball pen assembly. (Our production process is much longer for each assly)
What I have suggested the operations should be.

  1. Assemble the pen based on instruction XYZ,
  2. Test the assembly.
  3. Final inspection of Pen.
  4. Receive the Pen in to Inventory or next job.
    other group is suggestion:
  5. Take the cap
  6. Take the Box
  7. Take the Refill.
  8. Take the pen body.
  9. Take the spring
  10. Take the end cap.
  11. Put spring on Refill
  12. Put Refill in the body …… bla bla bla….so on…. Plus the testing & inspection same way.
    Note: We don’t have to worry of hours recorded against each operations but The only important thing is who /when /what assemble that data needs to be recorded.
    How can I manage this via EPICOR satisfying both needs? Anyone with great idea?


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Keep in mind that you can set defaults in Operation Maintenance. You can add multiple resources in the Operation, so when it is used in the method, the resources will pull into the method as configured on the Operation.

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Exactly, you can add more resources inside the engineering workbench apart from the operation master.

Hi Chris,

My problem is same as yours but opposite. We are in EPICOR implementation.
We have complex product (Which has 50+ Sub-assemblies) I want only 4-5 operations for each job (1. Build .2 Test. 3. inspect. 4. Complete or Receive it.) to have less hassle for data entry and reporting.
However, the other group wants separate operations for each activity (Actually is only assembling the parts not real operations like cutting bending milling etc).
For example, ball pen assembly. (Our production process is much longer for each assly)
What I have suggested the operations should be.

  1. Assemble the pen based on instruction XYZ,
  2. Test the assembly.
  3. Final inspection of Pen.
  4. Receive the Pen in to Inventory or next job.
    other group is suggestion:
  5. Take the cap
  6. Take the Box
  7. Take the Refill.
  8. Take the pen body.
  9. Take the spring
  10. Take the end cap.
  11. Put spring on Refill
  12. Put Refill in the body …… bla bla bla….so on…. Plus the testing & inspection same way.
    Note: We don’t have to worry of hours recorded against each operations but The only important thing is who /when /what assemble that data needs to be recorded.
    How can I manage this via EPICOR satisfying both needs? Anyone with great idea?



Sounds like a question for a consultant.
The line of thinking that went behind the setup at our facility was more on the lines of “What are we trying to track, hours in product worked or units processed?” With multiple steps per single operator, it was easier for the worker to scan to a single operation per product rather than hunt and peck for the step they were working on.
Less interaction with the MES station meant more work productivity but less data to track efficiency at each step that needed to be captured another way.

HI Paul,

Does that mean if i have 50 different sub assemblies (Which has unique assembly instruction) i need to create 50 different operations ( assemble as per XYZ / assemble as per ABC/ Assemble as per DEF etc etc ? and Plus each has 20 different resources ( considering all unique process or activity step). And we have 4 similar operations ( build /Test/Inspect/Receive) in each job!!! This is too much labor activity for BOO creator…

Also, When we print Job traveler will it also print resource linked to it ?? Normally job traveler has only operations on print along with Material.?

  1. Do you track time, quantity, or both in each step?
  2. Is the assembly set to “Pull as Assembly” or do you build any assembly in a separate job?
  3. What is the reason behind having every resource listed in the operation? I’m guessing you need to do resource planning.

The job traveler does not display the resources, but you should be able to add them to the report.

The job traveler can display resources if you check “Print Scheduled Resources” and/or “Print Scheduled Resource Descriptions” in the report form. I would check if this data is included in the report dataset regardless of what you check, and if so, just edit the report to always display it.

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Tracking time is not important but yes the date when the activity has completed for report of record purpose. Our assembly is quite big which takes days to complete.

most of our job will be like issued to job (Next level) very few assemblies go to stores back as sub-assembly for next level.

This is what other group want i will find out with them about exact requirement of it.

Thank you for your valued reply.

Thank you Ashley

I will try and see it.

If tracking time is not important, you can simply require quantity only on each operation. To make it even easier, you can backflush many of the operations. This reduces data entry, but keeps a record of all operations and resources. This is a struggle most manufacturers have to deal with. In a fast paced environment it is harder to take time away from people so they can do data entry. I think you need to decide how much labor and job tracking data is really critical vs. how much time people have to do data entry.