Wondering if anyone can assist in telling me how to have a UD field follow the same logic as the PORel.PromiseDt, where it can be updated without unapproving the PO?
Thanks in advance!!!
Wondering if anyone can assist in telling me how to have a UD field follow the same logic as the PORel.PromiseDt, where it can be updated without unapproving the PO?
Thanks in advance!!!
@EPETERS All POHeader, PODetail and PORel fields native or UD are read only once a PO is approved. Search the forum for UBAQs that unapprove, update and reapprove POs.
If you unapprove in preprocessing of the update and then reapprove in post processing (if the PO was previously approved) it is not hard to pull off.
That’s the challenge. We have a fairly customized EDI process that we just rolled out that uses the changeapprove switch and did not want to unapprove and reapprove just for something like this. Was hoping I could bypass the logic like the promise date, without unapproving. Thanks.