Hello all. I am relatively new to C#, knowing just enough to be dangerous.
On Part Maintenance, my assignment is to populate a combo box from an Ultra Combo selection, according to the table shown, which I have set up in Epicor’s User Codes.
Combo1 is an Ultra Combo which selects the heading values (“Aluminum”, “Carbon Steel”, etc) and is bound to “FieldA”
I need to populate Combo2 (BAQ or Ultra?) from what is selected in Combo1,
so that if I select “Aluminum” from Combo1, Combo2 will have choices {6061, 6005, 6061-CAST, OTHER}, etc.
For starters, I set up an Event WIzard on FieldA value change. Not sure how to proceed.
1)How to code this?
2)Would it be easier to make Combo2 a BAQ combo or an Ultra Combo?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I ended up using a UDxx table to store the values. I then added to an existing event on Part After Field change (1st screenshot) on the Part table for my field and then passed my changed field (outerMaterial) to a Search Adapter on the UD table (2nd screenshot - Tools>Wizards>Customization Wizards >Simple Search>Launch Wizard>Get Adapters>Choose UDxx table.)
There might be a better way. If so, let me know. Otherwise, I am good.
Thanks for this Forum!