Pop Up Notes for parts during SO entry

Is there a way to add pop-up notes when a part is selected on SO entry?

Hang a BPM off of Erp.SalesOrder.ChangePartNumMaster.

Not sure I follow.

Ok, I haven’t interacted with you before I don’t believe, so I don’t know the experience level
that you are operating at.

What I am suggesting, is to create a Method Directive on that procedure listed.
Pre-Processing or Post-Processing, depending on your end goal, which I do not know.

In that directive, you can intercept or hook the call when a part number is changed.

You can then send back messages or interrupt the process if you’d like.

Take a look at my post here:

Adding a popup is half of what I am doing here.

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I may have to bring in my experts on this one. Thanks for this.

What kind of message are you wanting?

You can probably do everything with widgets and we can walk you through it.

Open Method Directive and search for Service Name: Sales Order, where method name starts with GetNew and find GetNewOrderDtl.

Then add a new Post-Processing directive, name it whatever you want, give a description, create a group if you want (or select an existing group), if you are multi-company you will have to decide if you want this to work in 1 company or all companies. Click the design button.

Drag a condition widget onto the workflow pane, click on the widget, add the condition “The specified field of the changed row is equal to the specified expression”. Click the specified condition and select de.OrderDtl.PartNum, leave the added row, leave the is equal to, click the specified expression and use quotes around your part number that you are looking for.
Then draw a message widget into the workflow pane. Click the designed template and type whatever message you want to pop up.
Connect the start box to the Condition widget. Connect the true output of the condition widget to the Show Message widget. Validate if you want or just save and close the design window.

This is an easy BPM to do.

I saw a support guy do this a week ago and now I know what you meant.

Thanks for this.
