PO Voided

Can you remove a void from a PO Rel? I can reopen the line manually but can’t seem to update this in DMT. I do have a conversation going about my DMT error. I opened a ticket with Epicor but not much help so far.

I’m pretty sure I have successfully reopened the release using DMT in the past.
Have you tried doing ReOpenRelease = true ?


yes and and I got errors. I thought that might have been my problem.

but this is the error I keep getting.

I noticed in your screen shot that your column name is OpenRelease. Can you try ReOpenRelease?

nope same error…

Try ‘TRUE’ instead of ‘1’?

@Kimberley - Did you try including the column PORelTGLC#TGLCTranNum

Look at the last post of your thread on the DMT error.

Yup…No luck still same error.

tried that and got an error too.

There’s a lot going on in terms of what people have suggested you try; and error messages can sometimes be misleading.

First, is the PO checked as Approved? That can cause you issues, as changes cannot be made to approved Purchase Orders… you need to unapproved the PO Header, first.

There are a number of other fields as well - Try Setting the “VoidRelease” checkbox to false. That would unvoid the release. Then look to see if the release returns to open status. If it’s no longer voided, but also not open, then I would simultaneously try setting the “OpenRelease” checkbox to True.

Also check to see if the PO Header, and PO Lines are open. There’s a hierarchy… when manually reopening a Purchase Order you end up having to Open the PO, then Open the PO Line, and then the PO Release (Same with Sales Orders)

With all of that said, I would still try setting the “VoidRelease” checkbox to false before doing anything else. That “ReOpenRelease,” I believe, has more to do with performing through the Actions Menu in Purchase Order Entry. DMT is a bit different - it’s changing the settings directly on the table, and typically doesn’t need to bother with fields that the UI utilizes in Action Menus.

One final thought, you might want to try this from the PO Combined, where you can have much more control in terms of Header-Line-Release dependencies.

yes it is approved.

Yes the header and lines are open.

I tried the Void Release too but get same error message.

Epicor support has agreed to to test it on there end.

I will check this one out.