I am trying to understand the logic Epicor users with PO suggestions for parts where there are multiple approved suppliers and multiple price breaks. Does Epicor use any of that data to “suggest” the supplier for a part based on the quantity needed in New PO Suggestions?
If users have gone through the effort to create multiple supplier price lists, and have entered price breaks for some of those suppliers, then I would hope that Epicor could step through the logic to find the “Approved” supplier that should be able to give you the best price at the needed quantity (based on all the price breaks).
From a previous post, Epicor seems to make the supplier suggestion based on:
1- Primary Supplier (if no primary supplier, then move to line 2)
2- Open Purchase Orders (if no Open POs, then move to line 3)
3- Most Recent Receipt
Am I expecting too much from MRP, to think that Epicor should suggest the supplier that would save my company money based on the supplier price lists, price breaks, and quantity of items needed?