PO Suggestions - Odd Suggestion - why?

I am trying to understand why a part is showing up in PO Suggestions. We set up a brand new part earlier this week.

  • Qty Bearing = True
  • Non-Stock = False
  • No Site → Detail adjustments (no min/max/safety/etc. changes)

The setup is identical to our other parts. We then added this part to 2 jobs (qty of 1 and 3 on the jobs). It is not marked purchase direct on either job. We then cut a PO for a total qty of 8.

The next day, this part shows up in PO Suggestions and is telling our buyer to buy 3 more of these. The Time Phase for this confuses me and I know it has to somehow be related to the job that has a qty of 3 on it but I cannot figure out why it is suggesting this material to be purchased when there is an outstanding PO.

Any suggestions on where all to look? The PartDtl table for this part looks normal. We don’t utilize scheduling inside Epicor but the job due dates are forward dates, not historical.

What it looks like to me is that it is suggesting you reduce the quantity on the PO from 8 to 1 since you only need 1 for the first job and then create another PO for 3 to meet the requirement on the second job. This is probably due to some of your planning settings, time fences, etc. It’s seeing the due date for the 8 as too early and not lumping the requirement for the 1 and 3 together.

What are your days of supply set to on the part? That being too short will cause that, and do what @kforan explained.

@kforan Thanks for that explanation, that makes more sense. I suppose this could be due to our lack of planning settings? We don’t have any parts configured with anything more complex than mix/max/safety. We are a custom job shop by nature and still growing in our journey through epicor - we don’t even schedule so I could understand the dates causing issues from the job but am surprised on this part because the dates are almost a month out and apart.

@Banderson no days of supply are set on this part. Any recommendations on good documentation that explains how all of those different settings impact PO Suggestions?

I highly recommend the various Technical Reference Guides available on EpicWeb:


Here you will find the Scheduling Technical Reference Guide

I did a power point a few years ago - maybe this would help.
Make sure to view the power point in presentation mode as I have some animations included
High level for Days of Supply -
Low cost items - 20/30 days depending on your calendar workweek/calendar week.
other parts 5/7 days

Consider the grouping of the parts will help with qty breaks and freight expenses.

Also few PO Suggestions.

MRP and Purchasing PlanningParameters.pptx (4.6 MB)

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@Mark_Wonsil beat me to the punch… but, another Technical Reference Guide to check out is the “MRP Technical Reference Guide”. Granted its based on “MRP” but a lot of that functionality is what drives PO Suggestions.

Check out the section about Part “Modifiers”… this provides a list of fields/settings that can have an impact on PO Suggestions.