PO Suggestions.... clean-up DELETE?

WE manage PO-Suggestions against certain Part Classes, buyers and people/users are smart enough(mostly) to limit themselves accordingly.

A new hire accidentally ran Generate Suggestions - “WIDE OPEN FOR ALL PARTS” out to the end of time!!!
Therefore the screen within “NEW PO SUGGESTIONS” is cluttered per residual data (yes you can run this by buyer). How to cleanse the data on this screen>?

When you review NEW PO SUGGESTIONS, the data is actually representative of entries in data-table Erp.SugPoDtl (other related tables ERP.SugPoChg and ERP.SugPoMsc)

Could we use SQL to wipe the SugPo Dtl table

Just run Generate suggestions as a Regeneration and not net change and it clears the file. We do this every weekend.


Um… not true dude!?
Creating a PO will remove the entry… but if a demand still exists and there had been NO PO previously generated, the REGENERATIVE re-populates the table.
Tested it a few times prior to my 1st post.

We have since used SQL to cleanse the table…

You can delete suggestions in NewPO suggestions as well. You just have to do it one at a time I think.

Good to know another change from 9 to 10. I just did the process from wide open to 90 days with a regen and went from 1100+ suggestions to 250. I queried the SugPODtl table during the process and it was cleared.

If your buyers change the due dates on your PO’s…
You may have already noticed this with suggestions too?

When the supplier can’t meet the original due date and you change that due date… new suggestions next time you generate… even though you already have a PO.

One way I avoid these types of “false” suggestions is by using promise dates instead of changing due dates.