PO Suggestions - Change Due Date calculated to be ASAP not based on lead time


I don’t think what I am about to ask for is possible, but I am going to ask anyway. Generating suggestions calculates the PO due date by the part (or supplier part) lead time. The problem with this is you might need the part very urgently, but the PO will be generated by the buyer and be sent to the supplier with the future due date. This means if you later review the Time-Phased report or change suggestions, you would then chase this order. It means you look a bit daft as the supplier is thinking why didn’t you just request the order for the date you actually require the parts.

I did a search and it seems others have been frustrated by this but I wondered if any one had developed a solution?


Where would you tell the system to ignore the Lead Time and use “tomorrow” as the due date? We can definitely change the suggestion, but what would tell us to do that?

If the lead time is established, the suggestion will say to bring the part in at it’s lead time.

The start date of the item’s consuming job will be scheduled to begin prior to the arrival date of the material. So, by looking at time-phase for the next assembly, you can get an idea of when the material is truly needed.