In PO suggestions you have to switch from material to subcontract at the top of the screen to see the subcontract suggestions. They do not show up in time phase period.
How would one present it in Time Phase? Receiving a subcontract line (or lines) doesnβt affect the quantity of the finished goods like its job would.
I have done a customization to pull in the subcontract PO number into the time phase grid as an additional column next to the job. The reason this works for us is because we only ever have a single subcontract PO for the job. In a scenario where you have subcontracts for lower level ops vs. the final asm this wouldnβt make sense.
Thank you for you prompt reply. I really appreciated it.
The fact is that the subcontract operation I am looking for is not in Erp.SugPoDtl at all.
I have some other similar subcontract operations, they are in Erp.SugPoDtl. I have already compare the Part, JobHead, JobOpr to see if I made any mistakes or differences between them, unfortunately I could not find anything.
Something must be wrong then . . . hard to say without more information. Is your operation actually a subcontract operation (and not just named subcontract)? Are your resource and resource groups in the correct sites? Is the job firm if its make direct? The suggestion you have highlighted is a job suggestion. Did you try firming that job first and then running MRP?
If a part is subcontract, we always check both the Generate Suggestions and Process MRP. Iβm not sure if that will help in your situation, but worth a mention.
Also, if I remember correctly, we didnβt see them in suggestions until the job was firmed in some of the versions we were on.
Yes, to all your questions.
it is really odd, I have scheduled a meeting with Epicor support, will see what they say.
It has been bothering me for two days.
Can you check on the JobOper.SubContract field for that operation?
One of the things that can happen is that the operation is created as a regular operation, but someone changes it to the βsubcontractβ operation that shows up in the list, but this doesnβt actually change the operation type to suncontract. This is was @aosemwengie1 was alluding to, but this is how you would check for sure.
I just made a log while generating suggestions, but I did not see it helpful. Here is the log data:
Friday, March 21, 2025 11:22:37
11:22:37 GenPO Net Change process begin
11:22:37 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11:22:37 Part Run MRP β True
11:22:37 Cut Off Date β 3/21/2025 12:00:00 AM
11:22:37 Process Date β 3/21/2025 12:00:00 AM
11:22:37 Allow Historical Dates β True
11:22:37 Run Consolidated Purchasing β False
11:22:37 Include Contract PO Parts β False
11:22:37 Generate Purchase Schedules β False
11:22:37 Incl only Parts with activity or min/safety-> False
11:22:37 Use Lot Expiration β False
11:22:37 Exclude Purchase Parts β False
11:22:37 Number of GenPO Processes β 1
11:22:37 Site List β MfgSys
11:22:37 Part List β 1079B-023-002
11:22:37 Part Class List β
11:22:37 Product Group List β
11:22:37 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11:22:37 PartList Levels β 7
11:22:37 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11:22:37 Host.config - AppSettings
11:22:37 MRPRowCount (Sugg: 2000 rows) β 2000
11:22:37 MRPPartDtlRowCount (Sugg: 20 rows) β 20
11:22:37 MRPCommandTimeout (Sugg: 3600 secs) β 3600
11:22:37 CommandTimeout(Sugg: 0 secs = Infinite) β 0
11:22:37 queryTimeout (Sugg: 0 secs = Infinite) β 0
11:22:37 LockTimeout (Sugg: 180000 secs) β 180000
11:22:37 OperationTimeout (Sugg: 0:10:00) β 09:00:00
11:22:37 TransactionMaximumTimeout (Sugg: 5:00:00) β 05:00:00
11:22:37 TransactionDefaultTimeout (Sugg: 5:00:00) β 05:00:00
11:22:37 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11:22:37 Process Control
11:22:37 Name β ProcessorMain; Code β Erp.Internal.MR.MrpExp.dll
11:22:37 Process Stop Queues β Part~Delete
11:22:37 Controller β True; Range Start β 0; Range End β 0
11:22:37 Version 1.00.01
11:22:37 Name β ProcessorMRP; Code β Erp.Internal.MR.MrpExpCD.dll
11:22:37 Process Stop Queues β
11:22:37 Controller β False; Range Start β 1; Range End β 100
11:22:37 Version 1.00.01
11:22:37 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11:22:37 Process Queue
11:22:37 Name β BuildDelPOQueue; Queue In β ; Queue Out β DeleteAllPO; Controller β True
11:22:37 Alt Queue Out 1 β ; Alt Queue Out 2 β ; Alt Queue Out 3 β
11:22:37 Group β Delete; Check Group β Delete; Repeat β False; Regen Only β True; Finite β False
11:22:37 Name β ProcessDelPO; Queue In β DeleteAllPO; Queue Out β ; Controller β False
11:22:37 Alt Queue Out 1 β ; Alt Queue Out 2 β ; Alt Queue Out 3 β
11:22:37 Group β Delete; Check Group β ; Repeat β False; Regen Only β True; Finite β False
11:22:37 Name β BuildNonPart; Queue In β ; Queue Out β Part; Controller β True
11:22:37 Alt Queue Out 1 β ; Alt Queue Out 2 β ; Alt Queue Out 3 β
11:22:37 Group β NonPart; Check Group β NonPart; Repeat β False; Regen Only β False; Finite β False
11:22:37 Name β ProcessNonPart; Queue In β Part; Queue Out β ; Controller β False
11:22:37 Alt Queue Out 1 β ; Alt Queue Out 2 β ; Alt Queue Out 3 β
11:22:37 Group β NonPart; Check Group β ; Repeat β False; Regen Only β False; Finite β False
11:22:37 Name β BuildPart; Queue In β ; Queue Out β Part; Controller β True
11:22:37 Alt Queue Out 1 β ; Alt Queue Out 2 β ; Alt Queue Out 3 β
11:22:37 Group β Part; Check Group β Part; Repeat β True; Regen Only β False; Finite β False
11:22:37 Name β ProcessPart; Queue In β Part; Queue Out β ; Controller β False
11:22:37 Alt Queue Out 1 β ; Alt Queue Out 2 β ; Alt Queue Out 3 β
11:22:37 Group β Part; Check Group β ; Repeat β True; Regen Only β False; Finite β False
11:22:37 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11:22:37 Update PartPlant
11:22:37 Beginning of Update of PartPlant.PartRunMRP
11:22:37 End of Update of PartPlant.PartRunMRP
11:22:37 Starting sub-processes
11:22:37 Building Non-Part List
11:22:37 Building PartList Level: 0
11:22:38 Building PartList Level: 1
11:22:38 Building PartList Level: 2
11:22:38 Building PartList Level: 3
11:22:39 Building PartList Level: 4
11:22:39 Building PartList Level: 5
11:22:39 Building PartList Level: 6
11:22:39 Building PartList Level: 7
11:23:09 Building PartList Level: 7 Processing Time [ 00:00:30 ]
11:23:09 Processing Orphan POβsβ¦
11:23:09 Processing Orphan PO:735807 Line:1 Rel:1
11:23:10 Processing Orphan PO:736013 Line:6 Rel:1
11:23:13 Processing Orphan PO:736013 Line:6 Rel:1 Processing Time [ 00:00:03 ]
11:23:13 Processing Orphan PO:736544 Line:1 Rel:1
11:23:16 Processing Orphan PO:736544 Line:1 Rel:1 Processing Time [ 00:00:02 ]
11:23:16 Processing Orphan PO:736670 Line:2 Rel:1
11:23:16 Processing Orphan PO:736683 Line:1 Rel:1
11:23:16 Processing Orphan PO:736683 Line:2 Rel:1
11:23:16 Processing Orphan PO:736707 Line:1 Rel:1
11:23:17 GenPO Net Change process finished
11:23:17 Total Memory After GC.Collect (Mb): 919, Difference: 1260