PO release line's account code - where to find the data in Epico

Bethany, thanks so much, I had just found it…….Looks like the majority of the db changes from 8 to 9 have to do with the GL, that’s what I’m finding anyway…Thanks again….


Mike Abell

Information Technology Manager
Flexial - BOA Group - Cookeville, Tennessee
Office:   931.432.8408
Mobile:  615.418.3055
email:  MAbell@...


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2015 7:48 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] Re: PO release line's account code - where to find the data in Epicor9



You will need to link PORel and TranGLC where PORel.PONum = TranGLC.Key1 and PORel.POLine = TranGLCKey2 and PORel.PORelNum = TranGLCKey3


The field you are looking for is TranGLC.GLAccount


Bethany Rye
Epicor Business Analyst
PTI Engineered Plastics

In Vantage8, the account number info for PO release lines was in the table PO Rel, but in 9 they have removed those fields.  When I look in developer mode, it says the binding is now to a table called PORelTGLC which doesn’t exist in the normal list of tables or data dictionary.  Does anyone know how to access this table?  I need to write some Crystal Reports that need the PO Release Line acct #’s.  Thanks…


Mike Abell

Information Technology Manager
Flexial - BOA Group - Cookeville, Tennessee
Office:   931.432.8408
Mobile:  615.418.3055
email:  MAbell@...


You will need to link PORel and TranGLC where PORel.PONum = TranGLC.Key1 and PORel.POLine = TranGLCKey2 and PORel.PORelNum = TranGLCKey3


The field you are looking for is TranGLC.GLAccount


Bethany Rye
Epicor Business Analyst
PTI Engineered Plastics