Bethany, thanks so much, I had just found it…….Looks like the majority of the db changes from 8 to 9 have to do with the GL, that’s what I’m finding anyway…Thanks again….
Mike Abell
Information Technology Manager
Flexial - BOA Group - Cookeville, Tennessee
Office: 931.432.8408
Mobile: 615.418.3055
email: MAbell@...
From: []
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2015 7:48 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: PO release line's account code - where to find the data in Epicor9
You will need to link PORel and TranGLC where PORel.PONum = TranGLC.Key1 and PORel.POLine = TranGLCKey2 and PORel.PORelNum = TranGLCKey3
The field you are looking for is TranGLC.GLAccount
Bethany Rye
Epicor Business Analyst
PTI Engineered Plastics