PO Release Change Voided to Open

We had a user that accidentally Voided a LARGE amount of PO Releases. We can manually removed the voided status on the PO Rel but we have almost 400 Release and it is too much work to do manually.

I have been trying to fix this in DMT but the Voided Status is not updating to Open like when I manually do it. The PO is not approved, I am an authorized buyer, and the lines are open.

Here are the steps I did…

Ran DMT to set Open Release to true

Ran DMT to set Open Release to False

Ran DMT again to set Open Release to true

The Release is showing open but status still says Voided.

How can we do this in DMT? Right now what i do manually and try to replicate in DMT is not working. No errors just never changes the Status to Open.

I do have a ticket open with Epicor but figure I try here.

Hi @Kimberley,
what are you trying to do ? i.e. re open these releases or delete them ?

Open them to remove the voided status.

have you DMT these PO’s or this is the historical approval status you targeting ? also could you print screen your template header

I don’t understand what you are asking.

the PORel status is an -on the fly- form field, should be updated based on the VoidRelese Db field, and you are right, it seems that updating this field via DMT, i.e. (ExtUpdate) is missing to trigger the update for this form displayed field

ok that makes sense.

There was a recent post on this.


DMT fixed my errors I was getting with BO oject but still it doesn’t update the status.

different issue.

if i were you i would get hold of the edvRow in the customization then set the displayed field value as per the VoidRelease value triggered by Row change event

Hi Kimberley,

(and Al and Calvin :slight_smile: ) Thinking, oh boy poor Kimberley still struggling with this one! … I ran some testing with the DMT. Does your version have Combined option for PO ?
I have played around with various methods, po rels, po lines, etc, open true, void false which didn’t work. However, using the combined with the following fields worked! I think these “ReOpen…” fields from template are doing the job. Note, however, I had to manually reopen the PO, unapprove it, close it (all via PO entry) and do the upload with this data to get them all opened with status of open on releases as well.

POCombined unvoid.csv (1.5 KB)

I always for get about combined. Let me test it.

was your PORel closed before the DMT update, because using PO Combined did not work for me, it has the same problem, what Epicor/DMT version are you using?

Hi Al,

Yes it was a multi-line PO that I closed via actions dropdown. This closed the whole thing, all releases were closed, lines closed, header closed, and all marked as void. Then when playing around with the DMT to see if I could get it to update the status from void to open, I realized that I needed the closed PO to be unapproved. So, I went to Actions/reopen PO, unapproved it, and then Actions/Close PO. Then I ran the DMT per the attached csv further up and Bam! it worked :slight_smile:
Our DMT is and Epicor 10.1.600.20



These POs are unapproved but I will double check someone didn’t change it back.