PO Record in Process unable to Update


As someone was entering a PO they set the Supplier to our other company. Now the PO is approved and can’t be unapproved because of an ICPO Lock. Has anyone ran into this before and know how to get this PO out of this Limbo state?


You will have to go into the other company and open “Incoming Intercompany PO Suggestions”. Search for the PO and then reject it. When the intercompany process runs again you should be able to unapprove it.

@rnewell thank for the response! I went into the other company and there wasn’t anything there when I checked. I also tried Processing Multi-Direct Server (from both companies), to get it show but still nothing.

I can see the PO in the IntQueOut table in the one company. There’s no records in either IntQueOut or IntQueIn tables in the other company.

I had this happen once and ended up having to get a data fix from support. The fix was called “FX_Upd_POHeader_ICPOLocked_False”. You may have to ask support for this fix.

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