PO Print Error - All POs from 1 specific Job

Go the XML that is being generated and you can find the PO field that is causing the issue at line 217. Most likely somebody pasted something into a comments section.

From: "scooley@..." <scooley@...>
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2013 1:45 PM
Subject: [Vantage] PO Print Error - All POs from 1 specific Job

I'm getting the following error after a print preview.  there are 3 POs, all 3 have materials coming from the same Job.  they are all 3 getting the same error:
'-', hexadecimal value 0x1E, is an invalid character. Line 522, position 217.
Any clues?

I'm getting the following error after a print preview.  there are 3 POs, all 3 have materials coming from the same Job.  they are all 3 getting the same error:

'-', hexadecimal value 0x1E, is an invalid character. Line 522, position 217.


Any clues?


special character most likely in the description of the part number.  Happens when they copy a tab, CR.


You need to get the XML file of the report and open it up with Notepad ++.  Look for the line and you will see the special character in there.  Then go the the part master and edit the description.  But in this case, you know the part number.....





If the part is in the Part Master...

Go to Part Master and enter the part number.  Go to description.  Place the cursor in the beginning of the field.  Move the cursor with your mouse, one arrow at a time.  At some point you will notice that the cursor is not moving one space, but you hit the arrow key.  Backspace to delete the special character and save.


If the part is not in the part master, then go to the PO and do the same.


Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems

510-661-6666  Office


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of scooley@...
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2013 10:46 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] PO Print Error - All POs from 1 specific Job



I'm getting the following error after a print preview.  there are 3 POs, all 3 have materials coming from the same Job.  they are all 3 getting the same error:

'-', hexadecimal value 0x1E, is an invalid character. Line 522, position 217.


Any clues?


 Yep, I had one of these this morning.  BTW don't even need xml viewer.  You can copy the notepad contents into excel go down to the row complained about (i.e., 522 from your error) and see what record it is associated with by looking at the identifying information preceding it and subsequent to it.  Another place we have this happen is in the comments fields on operations with some frequency and then attempt to print traveler .... really need to write a bpm to strip em out I think ~ just haven't done it yet




---In vantage@yahoogroups.com, <msantillan@...> wrote:

special character most likely in the description of the part number.  Happens when they copy a tab, CR.


You need to get the XML file of the report and open it up with Notepad ++.  Look for the line and you will see the special character in there.  Then go the the part master and edit the description.  But in this case, you know the part number.....





If the part is in the Part Master...

Go to Part Master and enter the part number.  Go to description.  Place the cursor in the beginning of the field.  Move the cursor with your mouse, one arrow at a time.  At some point you will notice that the cursor is not moving one space, but you hit the arrow key.  Backspace to delete the special character and save.


If the part is not in the part master, then go to the PO and do the same.


Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems

510-661-6666  Office


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of scooley@...
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2013 10:46 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] PO Print Error - All POs from 1 specific Job



I'm getting the following error after a print preview.  there are 3 POs, all 3 have materials coming from the same Job.  they are all 3 getting the same error:

'-', hexadecimal value 0x1E, is an invalid character. Line 522, position 217.


Any clues?


Perfect.  That helped.  I found that these part descriptions had been copied from an older version of MS Access, we've had problems with font compatibility before from this same version.  It was bringing in Inch signs (") to an unidentifiable character. 



---In vantage@yahoogroups.com, <msantillan@...> wrote:

special character most likely in the description of the part number.  Happens when they copy a tab, CR.


You need to get the XML file of the report and open it up with Notepad ++.  Look for the line and you will see the special character in there.  Then go the the part master and edit the description.  But in this case, you know the part number.....





If the part is in the Part Master...

Go to Part Master and enter the part number.  Go to description.  Place the cursor in the beginning of the field.  Move the cursor with your mouse, one arrow at a time.  At some point you will notice that the cursor is not moving one space, but you hit the arrow key.  Backspace to delete the special character and save.


If the part is not in the part master, then go to the PO and do the same.


Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems

510-661-6666  Office


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of scooley@...
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2013 10:46 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] PO Print Error - All POs from 1 specific Job



I'm getting the following error after a print preview.  there are 3 POs, all 3 have materials coming from the same Job.  they are all 3 getting the same error:

'-', hexadecimal value 0x1E, is an invalid character. Line 522, position 217.


Any clues?