PO Form Error

Adding on to what @Nancy_Hoyt pointed out… Is this PO part of a bacth of PO’s to be printed, or just trying to print a single one?

I think this will end up being too many fields in data. After looking at some of my previous report issues, I’ve had a very similar issue with the ARForm, which probably has the most tables and fields of any reports.

This has been previously posted about here: SSRS allowable maximum row size of 8060

@ckrusen mentioned a good approach in the above link. Copy your RDD and remove unused fields. Use the new copy to test.

If it does turn out to be too much data from the RDD, you can get around that by making sub-reports (with their own data definitions), that have just one field, and put that in place of the field that was added to the RDD.

While a dataset generated from an RDD will remain unchanged, this method suffers from the fact that the subreport will pull in “fresh” data. So archiving the data and re-printing it later could give you different results.

That is what I was thinking too but the data set has all joins for the other tables…the tables are not individual data sets…that is how Epicor had it set up…

just a single PO

I understand what you guys are saying but WHY…does it work for every other PO…it is just this one…

I had an Order that had over 250 lines, and would generate errors. Removing the misc charges from the RDL would allow it to work - even though there were no misc charges on the order.

Have you tried just generating the data set? Not previewing, just generate. That isolates the RDL rendering aspect, and should just produce the datasets - if there is no problem in the RDD

Weird vendor?

I did the just generate and it failed with same error. I had someone tell me it was a SQL issue.

So that style (and its associated RDD) work fine for other PO’s. It’s just this one?

Can you duplicate the PO then keep removing info until it works?

Start at the outer edges of the PO’s data sources - things that relate to the PO but nothing relating to them. Like taxes, misc charges, One Time Ship To’s, line comments, etc…
With all of them gone, cut the number of lines or release in half.

i will try