Ok, I had to adjust my PO Form to make some custom boxes bigger and when I did that I have a HUGE WHITE SPACE now…I can’t figure out why…i think something to do with footer?? I only need this on the last page.
That report uses that Hidden section in the Body to pass values to the actual RDL Footer section.
If you make the actual RDL Footer section bigger, it will reserve that space on every page.
I recently worked on our PO Form, I feel your pain in trying to free up space on it.
You might have to make the determination if you can put that section into some blank space in the Body of the report, but after all the details that are there. After the Hidden section last row of Tablix, for example.
If you do that, you can piggy back off that code inside that Hidden section, with an expression like so:
At least, that is how I have added terms to ours that only prints on the last page.
Hope you don’t need this on the bottom of the last page Crystal this was a breeze. SSRS is a bit more problematic.
You can put this object in the footer, but even if you hide it until the last page shows, it will give you a load of whitespace that is wasted EACH page.
Your best solution would be to this in the last section of your tablix in the details section. This will put it on the last page of the report, but can’t put it on the bottom. This problem has always gotten me.