PO approved error on all PO based updatable baq’s

Hey y’all,

Been trying to make an updatable dashboard for users to update fields like unit price on PO’s. But if I try to un-approve the PO in the dashboard by including POHeader.Approved, it does not work. The PO stills shows approved in PO Tracker.

I came across some older posts mentioning that the ReadyToPrint and ApprovalStatus fields are referenced when the Approved field is changed, but in my testing, changing these did not help.

I am trying to avoid using custom code in the Base bpm of the updatable baq since Kinetic upgrades are coming soon for us and compatibility is up in the air.

Does anyone have any ideas on this? Open to any suggestions at all, thanks!

Do you have to unconfirm the PO before unapproving it?

@cole.trent In preprocessing of the update set approve to false and approvalstatus to U then after the update set them back to true and A.

 POHeader.Approve = false;
 POHeader.ApprovalStatus = "U";

POHeader.Approve = true;
POHeader.ApprovalStatus = “A”;

This seems to have solved the first half of my issue. The box now shows unchecked in the PO screen, thanks! However, when trying to change the Unit Price on the line it just reverts back to its original value. The baq returns no errors, it just wont change the value.

You will need to set Override Price List to true

So I tried setting that flag to true, but it still won’t update. However, I can update the price list in Purchase Order Entry with no issues, just not in the baq.

@cole.trent Do the update in PO Entry with tracing for changes only on. I think there a couple if not more price fields that have to be updated for it to stick. UnitCost and DocUnitCost at least.