PO Approval Person notification email no longer working on 10.1


So we had a working PO Approval Email when we were still on 10.0 where it would send an email to the approval person when a buyer clicks on the approve checkbox over their PO limit. It would trigger when the ApprovalStatus is “P”. We upgraded to 10.1 earlier this year and I just found out yesterday that those notifications are no longer working. So when I did a trace, there is no more ApprovalStatus = “P”. Everything is now “U”. Has anyone else had this issue? How did you resolve it? I am sharing my code below and hopefully, someone will be able to help me. Thank you.

Method: ChangeApproveSwitch
Post Process

Erp.Tables.PurAgent _PurAgent;
Erp.Tables.UserFile _UserFile;
foreach(var ttPOHeader_it in (from ttPOHeader_Row in ttPOHeader where !String.IsNullOrEmpty(ttPOHeader_Row.RowMod) && (ttPOHeader_Row.Approve == true &&
string.Compare(ttPOHeader_Row.ApprovalStatus, “P”, true) == 0) select ttPOHeader_Row))
string vAprID = string.Empty;
string vAprName = string.Empty;
decimal vPurLimit = decimal.Zero;
string vBuyerEmail = string.Empty;
_PurAgent = (from PurAgent_Row in Db.PurAgent
where PurAgent_Row.Company == Session.CompanyID &&
string.Compare(PurAgent_Row.BuyerID, ttPOHeader_it.BuyerID, true)==0
select PurAgent_Row).FirstOrDefault();
if (_PurAgent != null)
vPurLimit = _PurAgent.POLimit;
vAprID = _PurAgent.ApprovalPerson;
vBuyerEmail = _PurAgent.EMailAddress;
_UserFile = ( from PurAgent_Row in Db.PurAgent
join UserFile_Row in Db.UserFile on
PurAgent_Row.Name equals UserFile_Row.Name
where PurAgent_Row.Company == Session.CompanyID &&
string.Compare(PurAgent_Row.BuyerID, vAprID, true)==0
select UserFile_Row).FirstOrDefault();
if(_UserFile !=null)

				string vFrom = string.Empty;
      string vTo = string.Empty;
      string vCC = string.Empty;
      string vSubject = string.Empty;
      string vBody = string.Empty;
				string vApprover = string.Empty;
				vApprover = _UserFile.EMailAddress;
			  vFrom = vFrom + "NoReply.E10@*******.com";
				vTo = vTo + vApprover;
				vCC = vCC + vBuyerEmail;
				vSubject = vSubject + "Approval Pending for PO#" + System.Convert.ToString(ttPOHeader_it.PONum) + " (Company " + System.Convert.ToString(Session.CompanyID) + ": Plant " + System.Convert.ToString(Session.PlantID) + ")";
				vBody = vBody + "Purchase order # " + System.Convert.ToString(ttPOHeader_it.PONum) + " requires approval.\rBuyer listed for this PO is " + System.Convert.ToString(ttPOHeader_it.BuyerIDName) + ".\rSupplier: " + System.Convert.ToString(ttPOHeader_it.VendorName) + "\rPurchase Order Amount: $" + System.Convert.ToString(ttPOHeader_it.TotalOrder) + "\rBuyers Purchase Limit: $" + System.Convert.ToString(vPurLimit);
				var mailer = GetMailer(async: true);
				var message = new Ice.Mail.SmtpMail();
				message.SetFrom( vFrom);
				message.SetSubject( vSubject);


I’m in, and when a PO is created over a buyer’s limit and THEN they click the “Approved” checkbox, the “ApproveStatus” field goes to “P”. If they don’t click that “Approved” checkbox, it stays at “U”.

not according to my trace log. I click on the “Approved” checkbox and it pops up a message that the PO is above the PO limit and will be sent for approval. On screen, Purchase Order Entry is marked Pending but on the trace log, all ApprovalStatus fields are “U”. However, on the database, the PO is marked as “P” so it looks like it’s writing to the database with the correct Approval status, I just don’t see it being captured.