I wrote this BPM on a Post Event in the OrderMasterUpdate. but some reason it saves my change(s) in the BPM such as the Plant and warehouse Code but if something else change in the Screen it won’t save those changes. What’s preventing to save the changes. If I have disabled the BPM and then I change something on the screen it will take those changes. That leads me to belief that something in my BMP is reversing those changes. please help…
//// Notes:
//// This BPM Combines all the logic for GroundInfo and Plant update.
// Created By: M TOLOZA
// Date Created : 11/14/2019
// Modifie Created : 11/14/2019
decimal oneWeight = decimal.Zero;
decimal oneBox = decimal.Zero;
decimal pallet = decimal.Zero;
decimal totalWeight = decimal.Zero;
decimal totalOneBox = decimal.Zero;
decimal totalPallets = decimal.Zero;
int itotalOneBox = 0;
int itotalWeight = 0;
int lOrderNumber = 0;
bool lCheckBox19 = false;
bool lCheckBox20 = false;
string lPlant = "20";
string lWareHouseCode = "CA";
Erp.Tables.OrderRel OrderRel;
Erp.Tables.OrderHed OrderHed;
Action<int, int, string, string > UpdateOrderGroundInfo = (inOrderNumber, inOrderLine, inPlant, inWarehouseCode) =>
//this.PublishInfoMessage("Updating POST :" + inOrderNumber.ToString() , Ice.Common.BusinessObjectMessageType.Information, Ice.Bpm.InfoMessageDisplayMode.Individual, "", "");
// System.Transactions.TransactionScope
//using (System.Transactions.TransactionScope txScope = IceDataContext.CreateDefaultTransactionScope())
using (var txScope = IceContext.CreateDefaultTransactionScope())
///--- UPDATE Db.OrderHed because OrderHeaderXRow.CheckBox20 and OrderHeaderXRow.CheckBox19 are not present in the temporary table ttOrderHed Db.OrderRel.With(LockHint.UpdLock)
foreach (var DBOrderHed_iterator in (from DBOrderHed_Row in Db.OrderRel
(int) DBOrderHed_Row.OrderNum == (int) inOrderNumber &&
(int) DBOrderHed_Row.OrderLine == (int) inOrderLine
select DBOrderHed_Row))
OrderRel = DBOrderHed_iterator;
if (OrderRel != null)
OrderRel.Plant = inPlant;
OrderRel.WarehouseCode = inWarehouseCode;
} /// END if (DBOrderHed != null)
} ///
using (var SalesOrderSvc = Ice.Assemblies.ServiceRenderer.GetService<Erp.Contracts.SalesOrderSvcContract>(Db))
var SalesOrderDs = SalesOrderSvc.GetByID(inOrderNumber);
Action<int, decimal, decimal,decimal, bool, bool > UpdateGroundInfo = (inOrderNumber, inTotalWeight, inTotalBoxes, inTotalPallets, inCheckBox19, inCheckBox20) =>
//this.PublishInfoMessage("Updating POST :" + inOrderNumber.ToString() , Ice.Common.BusinessObjectMessageType.Information, Ice.Bpm.InfoMessageDisplayMode.Individual, "", "");
// System.Transactions.TransactionScope
//using (System.Transactions.TransactionScope txScope = IceDataContext.CreateDefaultTransactionScope())
using (var txScope = IceContext.CreateDefaultTransactionScope())
///--- UPDATE Db.OrderHed because OrderHeaderXRow.CheckBox20 and OrderHeaderXRow.CheckBox19 are not present in the temporary table ttOrderHed Db.OrderHed.With(LockHint.UpdLock)
foreach (var DBOrderHeader_iterator in (from DBOrderHed_Row in Db.OrderHed
(int) DBOrderHed_Row.OrderNum == (int) inOrderNumber
select DBOrderHed_Row))
OrderHed = DBOrderHeader_iterator;
if (OrderHed != null)
OrderHed.Number16 = inTotalWeight ;
OrderHed.Number17 = inTotalBoxes;
OrderHed.Number10 = inTotalPallets;
OrderHed.CheckBox19 = inCheckBox19;
OrderHed.CheckBox20 = inCheckBox20;
// Db.OrderHed.Update(OrderHed);
} /// END if (DBOrderHed != null)
} ///
using (var SalesOrderSvc = Ice.Assemblies.ServiceRenderer.GetService<Erp.Contracts.SalesOrderSvcContract>(Db))
var SalesOrderDs = SalesOrderSvc.GetByID(inOrderNumber);
/// HEADER :::
foreach (var OrderHeader_Iterator in (from ttOrderHed_Row in ttOrderHed
select ttOrderHed_Row ))
var OrderHeaderXRow = OrderHeader_Iterator;
if (OrderHeaderXRow != null)
/// NEED TO JOIN Db.OrderDtl, Db.OrderRel, Db.Part
var jquery = (from OrderH in Db.OrderHed
join OrderD in Db.OrderDtl on OrderH.OrderNum equals OrderD.OrderNum
join OrderR in Db.OrderRel on OrderH.OrderNum equals OrderR.OrderNum
join PartR in Db.Part on OrderD.PartNum equals PartR.PartNum
where (
(string.Compare(OrderD.Company, callContextClient.CurrentCompany, true ) == 0) &&
(string.Compare (OrderH.Company, callContextClient.CurrentCompany, true) == 0) &&
( (int)OrderH.OrderNum == (int)OrderHeaderXRow.OrderNum) &&
( (int)OrderD.OrderLine == (int)OrderR.OrderLine)
select new {
Company = OrderH.Company
,OrderNum = OrderH.OrderNum
,CustNum= OrderH.CustNum
,OrderLine = OrderD.OrderLine
,PartsPerContainer = PartR.PartsPerContainer
,NetWeight = PartR.NetWeight
,Number11 = PartR.Number11
,OurStockQty = OrderR.OurStockQty
foreach ( var TT in jquery) {
//this.PublishInfoMessage("Company:" + TT.OrderLine.ToString()
// + (string) " OrderNum:" + TT.OrderNum.ToString()
// + " OrderLine:" + TT.OrderLine
// + " CustNum:" + TT.CustNum
// + " PartsPerContainer:" + TT.PartsPerContainer
// + " NetWeight:" + TT.NetWeight
// + " Number11:" + TT.Number11
// + " OurStockQty:" + TT.OurStockQty
// + " OrderHeaderXRow.RowMod:" + OrderHeaderXRow.RowMod.ToString()
// , Ice.Common.BusinessObjectMessageType.Information, Ice.Bpm.InfoMessageDisplayMode.Individual, "", "");
lOrderNumber = TT.OrderNum;
if (TT.PartsPerContainer == 0)
oneWeight = 1;
oneBox = 1;
else if (TT.PartsPerContainer > TT.OurStockQty)
oneWeight = (TT.NetWeight / TT.PartsPerContainer) * TT.OurStockQty;
oneBox = TT.OurStockQty / TT.PartsPerContainer;
oneWeight = TT.OurStockQty / TT.PartsPerContainer * TT.NetWeight;
oneBox = TT.OurStockQty / TT.PartsPerContainer;
if ((decimal)TT.Number11 == 0)
pallet = 1;
pallet = oneBox / (decimal)TT.Number11;
totalWeight = (totalWeight + (decimal) oneWeight);
totalOneBox = (totalOneBox + (decimal) oneBox);
totalPallets = (totalPallets + (decimal) pallet);
lOrderNumber = TT.OrderNum;
itotalWeight = (int) Math.Round(totalWeight, 0);
itotalOneBox = (int) Math.Round(totalOneBox, 0);
lCheckBox20 = true;
lCheckBox19 = false;
if ((itotalOneBox > 15 || itotalWeight > 110))
lCheckBox19 = true;
lCheckBox20 = false;
} // foreach ( var TT in query)
OrderHeaderXRow["Number16"] = totalWeight ;
OrderHeaderXRow["Number17"] = totalOneBox;
OrderHeaderXRow["Number10"] = totalPallets;
OrderHeaderXRow["CheckBox19"] = lCheckBox19;
OrderHeaderXRow["CheckBox20"] = lCheckBox20;
UpdateGroundInfo (lOrderNumber, totalWeight, totalOneBox, totalPallets, lCheckBox19, lCheckBox20);
catch (Exception ex)
this.PublishInfoMessage("There was a problem processing your request !" , Ice.Common.BusinessObjectMessageType.Information, Ice.Bpm.InfoMessageDisplayMode.Individual, "TTBPM1077", "TTBPM1077");
/// RELEASE :::
foreach (var OrderRelease_Iterator in (from ttOrderHed_Row in ttOrderRel
select ttOrderHed_Row ))
var OrderReleaseXRow = OrderRelease_Iterator;
if (OrderReleaseXRow != null)
/// NEED TO JOIN Db.OrderDtl, Db.OrderRel, Db.Part
var rquery = (from OrderH in Db.OrderHed
join OrderD in Db.OrderDtl on OrderH.OrderNum equals OrderD.OrderNum
join OrderR in Db.OrderRel on OrderH.OrderNum equals OrderR.OrderNum
join ShipT in Db.ShipTo on OrderH.ShipToNum equals ShipT.ShipToNum
where (
(string.Compare(OrderD.Company, callContextClient.CurrentCompany, true ) == 0) &&
(string.Compare (OrderH.Company, callContextClient.CurrentCompany, true) == 0) &&
( (int)OrderH.OrderNum == (int)OrderHeaderXRow.OrderNum) &&
( (int)OrderD.OrderLine == (int)OrderR.OrderLine) &&
( (int)OrderD.CustNum == (int)ShipT.CustNum )
select new {
HCompany = OrderH.Company
,HOrderNum = OrderH.OrderNum
,DOrderLine = OrderD.OrderLine
,HCustNum= OrderH.CustNum
,HOTSState = OrderH.OTSState
,HOTSCountryNum = OrderH.OTSCountryNum
,HUseOTS = OrderH.UseOTS
,HShipToNum = OrderH.ShipToNum
,HCheckBox07 = OrderH.CheckBox07
,HCheckBox08 = OrderH.CheckBox08
,HCheckBox19 = OrderH.CheckBox19
,HCheckBox20 = OrderH.CheckBox20
,ROrderLine = OrderD.OrderLine
,RCheckBox17 = OrderR.CheckBox17
,SState = ShipT.State
,SCountry = ShipT.Country
foreach ( var RR in rquery) {
//this.PublishInfoMessage("Release " + RR.OTSState.ToString() , Ice.Common.BusinessObjectMessageType.Information, Ice.Bpm.InfoMessageDisplayMode.Individual, "TTBPM1078", "TTBPM1078");
/// DO NOT RUN ANY FURTHER IF the following checkboxes are checked
if((bool) RR.HCheckBox07 == false && (bool) RR.HCheckBox08 == false && (bool) RR.RCheckBox17 == false && (RR.HShipToNum.ToString() != "06300" && RR.HShipToNum.ToString() != "1415" ) ){
//One Time Ship To's
this.PublishInfoMessage("Running logic : " + RR.HShipToNum.ToString() , Ice.Common.BusinessObjectMessageType.Information, Ice.Bpm.InfoMessageDisplayMode.Individual, "", "");
if ((bool) RR.HUseOTS == true)
if (
RR.HOTSState == "AK" ||
RR.HOTSState == "AR" ||
RR.HOTSState == "AZ" ||
RR.HOTSState == "CA" ||
RR.HOTSState == "CO" ||
RR.HOTSState == "FL" ||
RR.HOTSState == "HI" ||
RR.HOTSState == "IA" ||
RR.HOTSState == "ID" ||
RR.HOTSState == "IL" ||
RR.HOTSState == "KS" ||
RR.HOTSState == "LA" ||
RR.HOTSState == "MN" ||
RR.HOTSState == "MO" ||
RR.HOTSState == "MT" ||
RR.HOTSState == "ND" ||
RR.HOTSState == "NE" ||
RR.HOTSState == "NM" ||
RR.HOTSState == "NV" ||
RR.HOTSState == "OK" ||
RR.HOTSState == "OR" ||
RR.HOTSState == "SD" ||
RR.HOTSState == "TX" ||
RR.HOTSState == "UT" ||
RR.HOTSState == "WA" ||
RR.HOTSState == "WI" ||
RR.HOTSState == "WY" ||
( RR.HOTSCountryNum.ToString() == "2" && (RR.HOTSState == "BC" || RR.HOTSState == "AB" || RR.HOTSState == "YT" || RR.HOTSState == "NT" || RR.HOTSState == "SK" || RR.HOTSState == "NU" || RR.HOTSState == "MB" ))
lPlant = "20";
lWareHouseCode = "CA";
RR.HOTSState== "CT" ||
RR.HOTSState == "DE" ||
RR.HOTSState == "HM" ||
RR.HOTSState == "MA" ||
RR.HOTSState == "MD" ||
RR.HOTSState == "ME" ||
RR.HOTSState == "NJ" ||
RR.HOTSState == "NY" ||
RR.HOTSState == "PA" ||
RR.HOTSState == "RI" ||
RR.HOTSState == "VT" ||
( RR.HOTSCountryNum.ToString() == "2" && (RR.HOTSState == "NS" || RR.HOTSState == "ON" || RR.HOTSState == "QC" || RR.HOTSState == "PE" || RR.HOTSState == "NL" || RR.HOTSState == "NB" ))
lPlant = "mfgsys";
lWareHouseCode = "PGC";
} // END :: if ((bool) RR.UseOTS
if ((bool) RR.HUseOTS == false)
if (
RR.SState == "AK" ||
RR.SState == "AR" ||
RR.SState == "AZ" ||
RR.SState == "CA" ||
RR.SState == "CO" ||
RR.SState == "FL" ||
RR.SState == "HI" ||
RR.SState == "IA" ||
RR.SState == "ID" ||
RR.SState == "IL" ||
RR.SState == "KS" ||
RR.SState == "LA" ||
RR.SState == "MN" ||
RR.SState == "MO" ||
RR.SState == "MT" ||
RR.SState == "ND" ||
RR.SState == "NE" ||
RR.SState == "NM" ||
RR.SState == "NV" ||
RR.SState == "OK" ||
RR.SState == "OR" ||
RR.SState == "SD" ||
RR.SState == "TX" ||
RR.SState == "UT" ||
RR.SState == "WA" ||
RR.SState == "WI" ||
RR.SState == "WY" ||
( RR.SCountry == "CANADA" && (RR.SState == "BC" || RR.SState == "AB" || RR.SState == "YT" || RR.SState == "NT" || RR.SState == "SK" || RR.SState == "NU" || RR.SState == "MB" ))
lPlant = "20";
lWareHouseCode = "CA";
} ///if (RR.SState == "AK"
if(RR.SState == "CT" ||
RR.SState == "DE" ||
RR.SState == "HM" ||
RR.SState == "MA" ||
RR.SState == "MD" ||
RR.SState == "ME" ||
RR.SState == "NJ" ||
RR.SState == "NY" ||
RR.SState == "PA" ||
RR.SState == "RI" ||
RR.SState == "VT" ||
( RR.SCountry == "Canada" && (RR.SState == "NS" || RR.SState == "ON" || RR.SState == "QC" || RR.SState == "PE" || RR.SState == "NL" || RR.SState == "NB" ))
lPlant = "mfgsys";
lWareHouseCode = "PGC";
} /// END if ((bool) RR.HUseOTS == false)
/// NOTE: CheckBox19 = LTL and CheckBox20 = Ground
// this.PublishInfoMessage("First :RR.HOTSState=" + RR.HOTSState.ToString() + " RR.SState=" + RR.SState.ToString() , Ice.Common.BusinessObjectMessageType.Information, Ice.Bpm.InfoMessageDisplayMode.Individual, "OrderHeaderXRow ", "OrderHeaderXRow ");
if ( ((bool) lCheckBox20 == true) &&
RR.HOTSState == "AL" ||
RR.HOTSState == "GA" ||
RR.HOTSState == "IN" ||
RR.HOTSState == "KY" ||
RR.HOTSState == "MI" ||
RR.HOTSState == "MS" ||
RR.HOTSState == "NC" ||
RR.HOTSState == "OH" ||
RR.HOTSState == "SC" ||
RR.HOTSState == "TN" ||
RR.HOTSState == "VA" ||
RR.HOTSState == "WV" ||
RR.SState == "AL" ||
RR.SState == "GA" ||
RR.SState == "IN" ||
RR.SState == "KY" ||
RR.SState == "MI" ||
RR.SState == "MS" ||
RR.SState == "NC" ||
RR.SState == "OH" ||
RR.SState == "SC" ||
RR.SState == "TN" ||
RR.SState == "VA" ||
RR.SState == "WV" )
//this.PublishInfoMessage("When Ground :" , Ice.Common.BusinessObjectMessageType.Information, Ice.Bpm.InfoMessageDisplayMode.Individual, "OrderHeaderXRow ", "OrderHeaderXRow ");
lPlant = "20";
lWareHouseCode = "CA";
if (((bool) lCheckBox19 == true) &&
(RR.HOTSState == "AL" ||
RR.HOTSState == "GA" ||
RR.HOTSState == "IN" ||
RR.HOTSState == "KY" ||
RR.HOTSState == "MI" ||
RR.HOTSState == "MS" ||
RR.HOTSState == "NC" ||
RR.HOTSState == "OH" ||
RR.HOTSState == "SC" ||
RR.HOTSState == "TN" ||
RR.HOTSState == "VA" ||
RR.HOTSState == "WV" ||
RR.SState == "AL" ||
RR.SState == "GA" ||
RR.SState == "IN" ||
RR.SState == "KY" ||
RR.SState == "MI" ||
RR.SState == "MS" ||
RR.SState == "NC" ||
RR.SState == "OH" ||
RR.SState == "SC" ||
RR.SState == "TN" ||
RR.SState == "VA" ||
RR.SState == "WV" )
///this.PublishInfoMessage("When LTL :" + lCheckBox19.ToString() , Ice.Common.BusinessObjectMessageType.Information, Ice.Bpm.InfoMessageDisplayMode.Individual, "OrderHeaderXRow ", "OrderHeaderXRow ");
lPlant = "mfgsys";
lWareHouseCode = "PGC";
//this.PublishInfoMessage("Plant :" + lPlant.ToString() + "WarehouseCode :" + lWareHouseCode.ToString() , Ice.Common.BusinessObjectMessageType.Information, Ice.Bpm.InfoMessageDisplayMode.Individual, "OrderHeaderXRow ", "OrderHeaderXRow ");
OrderReleaseXRow["Plant"] = lPlant;
OrderReleaseXRow["WarehouseCode"] = lWareHouseCode;
UpdateOrderGroundInfo (RR.HOrderNum, RR.DOrderLine, lPlant, lWareHouseCode);
catch (Exception ex)
this.PublishInfoMessage("There was a problem processing your request !" , Ice.Common.BusinessObjectMessageType.Information, Ice.Bpm.InfoMessageDisplayMode.Individual, "TTBPM1088", "TTBPM1088");
} /// if((bool) RR.HCheckBox07 == false
} /// end foreach ( var RR
} /// if (OrderReleaseXRow != null)
} ////foreach (var OrderRelease_Iterator
//this.PublishInfoMessage("TopCall" + " totalWeight" + totalWeight + " totalOneBox" + totalOneBox + " totalPallets:" + totalPallets , Ice.Common.BusinessObjectMessageType.Information, Ice.Bpm.InfoMessageDisplayMode.Individual, "", "");
} // END --- if (OrderHeaderXRow != null
} // END --- if (OrderHeaderXRow != null