Periodic AR Invoicing of Shipments

Hello everybody,

I was wondering if there was a possibility of setting up an automation to post AR Invoices, also send the AR form with routing, for all the shipments that are marked ready to invoice.

I understand that there is an auto invoice functionality that invoices the shipments as they are shipped however, we are stupid and constantly make mistakes and have very frequent decision changes on the fly. So if there is a way to at least let the shipping department know that they can change their mind about shipping something by the end of each hour that would be great.

We currently have someone that creates an AR invoice group, Gets shipment packing slips and invoices through out the day but she doesn’t do a very good job and often forgets to post invoices at the end of the business day so we can’t always get the accurate sales data for each day.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

PS: Worst case, I can do a desktop automation clicking the GUI to group and invoice :smiley:

When you get to a more recent version (10.2.660 or 10.2.700), you can write an Epicor Function, which is similar to a BPM, and schedule it to do the post.


For anyone interested, I did a desktop UI automation using Power Automate Desktop from Microsoft.

I trigger the desktop flow via the another Power Automate cloud flow. The Power Automate Desktop is constantly running on a VM, so that Power Automate cloud trigger flow can run the desktop flow via the gateway.

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The engine that drives Power Automate is Azure Logic Apps. I think it’s one of Azure’s best kept secrets. It can run stored procedures, REST calls, read mailboxes and save attachments. Having a service like this eliminates those extra machines and service accounts which reduces your attack surface.

Nice work @OnurCam