We have a recurring issue with items that we transfer from one site to another using PCID. The PCID is generated in one site, ships on the transfer order, and is received in another site. We are not sure why, but frequently the parts on those PCIDs get locked up. We are unable to pick, UOM split merge, or quantity adjust those items because we get an error that says “The PCID does not exist in the plant or warehouse.” I am able to PCID split from that PCID to an appropriate PCID in that site, but that results in the positive quantity and a negative quantity being stuck to the original PCID. We have been provided with data fixes to remove the quantity on the PCID, but that leaves no part transaction. We then have to manually reenter the part quantity and create a journal entry to balance out the entered quantity. The data fix also does not provide an error log, so if any inventory is allocated or the quantity originally provided is no longer accurate, it doesn’t work, but we have no record of which parts failed. Is there a better solution available?
We’ve had some of the same issues with PCIDs. Not when transferring sites, because we don’t do that, but we have seen the tables get out of sync and we’ve need to fix some things to get them back in place where it should be. It’s annoying, and we haven’t been able to recreate the issue on demand, so while we’ve reported it, without a recreate-able scenario, the only thing epicor does is …
Yes, I’ve had a similar response from Epicor! I’m surprised this isn’t a more widespread issue because without the “picked orders” option on transfer order shipment entry, using PCIDs when picking is the most efficient and accurate way to pack the TO…