Pass parameter to PartBinSearch in a button search

When executing Epicor.Mfg.UI.FormFunctions.SearchFunctions.listLookup(this.oTrans, “PartBinSearchAdapter”, out recSelected, true, whereClause), the result is empty. Anyway of passing the filter parameter to run the search?

the “whereClause” you should be able to populate with whatever pre-filter you’d like to use.

Hi Jose, I tried that but it’s not returning any results, the datagrid is empty. Ran the tracing and can see it calling the correct methog but the parameters are empty.

Can you paste your whole code (that method at least)
It should return something as long as your whereClause is valid

private DataRow binSearch(string wareHouseCode)
bool recSelected=false;
bool morePages = false;
string whereClause = “warehouseCode=’” + wareHouseCode + “’ and uomCode=‘LB’ and partNum =’” + partEpiTextBox.Text + “’ and lotNum=’” + fromLotEpiTextBox.Text + “’” ;

	System.Data.DataSet dsLotAdapter=null;
	System.Data.DataRow adapterRow =null;

dsLotAdapter = Epicor.Mfg.UI.FormFunctions.SearchFunctions.listLookup(this.oTrans, “PartBinSearchAdapter”, out recSelected, true, whereClause);

	if (recSelected)
		adapterRow = dsLotAdapter.Tables[0].Rows[0];			

	return adapterRow;


Try narrowing it down, just add a simple whereclause like
“WarehouseCode=‘XX’” and see if that works, your whereClause has a lot of parts so maybe not everything on there is true?>

Tried that as well and still no value returned. I can run the same filters on another scree, say inventory transfer, and will get the expected results.