Today has been long and my brain isn’t liking this puzzle and decided to ask for help.
I’m needing to have every part in PartTran to have 1-12 for months of the year with the number of times a transaction has happened against it within that month; even if it’s zero.
Note: I’m restricting to time frames and manufactured parts.
Then in each field’s code, you can put this for the corresponding month number:
Keep in mind this doesn’t take into account years. It will count all occurrences, doesn’t matter which year it is. You may have to give it a date range if you want to get only this year.
WHEN datepart(month, PartTran.TranDate) = 12 /*enter month number here*/
JM707_Pivot.baq (35.9 KB)
Here is a Pivot Table Example.
I put this baq in a dashboard, added to the menu structure then added it to the context menu for PartNum.
You can right click and get the shipping history for a manufactured part or the issued history for a purchased part since may company the two part types don’t mix these type of part transactions.
The nice thing about using the Pivot Table approach is speed which SQL generates the table is awesome.
Also totaled and calculated monthly averages and if you scroll to the right get Part Plant Min and Max also the newer fields SavedMinimumQty and SavedMaximumQty for planners to use this screen when using the new “Min Max Safety Mass Update” program.
Otherwise delete fields and use as you like.