Parts and Bins

We have a flexible set of racks in the warehouse (100+ bins) and a 3000+ parts to store there. Does this require that all bins have to be added to each part (which we could do using the DMT) or is there a simpler way to specify a part as being storable in multiple locations? If a part does not have a bin in it’s list of locations does that mean it cannot be stored there?



Base functionality doesn’t require specifying what bins a part can be stored in. Any part can have transactions to any bin. As long as the part belongs to the site and warehouse the Bin belongs to.

I’m talking about the base functionality. There might be features / settings that can limit the bins a part can have transactions with, as I’m not fully knowledgable in things like PCID, Adv Material Mngmnt, etc…


The help for the Bins sheet on the Part Maint form shows:

so unless you’re using those features, it is unnecessary.

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As @ckrusen said, out of the box Epicor does not require you to store a part in one or more particular bins. You can set a primary bin which will prompt the putaway location, although you can override that location. Sounds like you do not need to set the primary location.

Thanks guys