Users are complaining now we have partrevs above 9 in our system that they look at the wrong partrev due to it sorts like text. I can change all revisions to have a zero in front or?
Not really sure what else I could do to solve this issue. I know I can’t change NVARCHAR field to any other format.
You could… (and lord I hate myself for even saying this)
in a customization add a numeric field for the Rev, then have the DataView sort on that field.
How is the Tree View’s binding/dataset defined? Entirely in code? Because the Properties don’t even show any properties related to the data or sort columns…
I was thinking the original PartRev.RevisionNum is used throughout jobs and other areas. Would I not need a BPM to match PartRev_UD.RevisionNumUD to PartRev.RevisionNum?