PartMtl and ECOMtl - Why are the same fields in each?

Why are the fields for a part number present in both of these tables, what is the purpose of the ECOMtl table?

ECOMTL is a copy of PartMTL…
ECOMTL is where the parts go when you “Check Out” to the Engineering Workbench… it is where you edit/add/delete the contents of a BOM/BOO.
There are other matched sets:
ECORev & PartRev
ECOOpr & PartOpr

While the part is checked out, the version in ECO could be different… but when you check it back in, it updates the version in PartMtl


Here is another view of these tables… I didn’t previously mention the Quote and Job tables, but they both have similar copies of Operations & Materials.
Note one difference is that Quotes and Jobs do not have a QuoteRev or JobRev table… instead, they have QuoteAsm, and JobAsmbl tables which are the assembly part (which includes the REV)
But in ALL FOUR of these sets, the Operation, and Material tables are very much the same columns…
Data Flow:
MRP will create JOBS using the current revision saved in PartRev UNLESS the demand is from a QUOTE that has details.
If manually getting details, ECO, Job and Quotes can all get details from any of the following: a saved part (even if unapproved), a Quote, or a job marked as a template. Note that you CANNOT get details from an ECO that is not checked in.


In addition just for the record, if anyone is creating UD Columns…