PartBin record with 0 QOH, "Refresh PartBin from PartTran" doesn't find it

I have a record in PartBin with a zero OnHandQty. Normally, running the “Refresh PartBin from PartTran” process corrects this. But running in Report Only mode doesn’t find that part needing any updates.

Any place else I should look?

It could be that the report is seeing 0 actual on hand vs 0 calculated on hand so it’s not reporting that line. We use a BAQ report to search for these records, but it’s usually never a problem unless we want to inactivate a part.

If you just want to fix the orphaned PartBin, you can transfer/adjust inventory into that bin and then back out to zero it and it should delete itself.

The QtyAdj (Add 1, and the subtract 1) fixed it.

It was casuing an issue with a report. The report prints and previews okay, but the excel format had errors with this record. I’ll start another thread for that.