Hello, we are having an issue where the on hand qty in the part whse table is double the total of what is on hand in the part bin table on all our parts. i have run both “Refresh partbin QOH from Parttran” and “refresh Part quantities and allocations” on one part to see if it would fix it and it did not.
has anyone else had this issue before? i do have a ticket open with Epicor support.
I think Kevin was checking to see what you meant by table. In most cases it is hard to get a solid quantity directly from a table. The system uses the transactions to sum up the true quantity on hand based on lots of variables.
In this case, I am curious what the warehouse tab shows for qty. Do you see a duplicated entry in the same warehouse, or are parts duplicated in another warehouse? Can you show us a redacted example of the Part Tracker > Bins, and > Warehouse tabs?
hopefully those screenshots work (this is my first time posting here)
so the weird thing is i decided to rerun refresh part qtys and allocations on a different part and it worked this time in updating the warehouse page. and the partwhse table as well… now my question is how did we manage to make this happen on all our parts? we have had this issue in the parts on a small selection of parts but never everything.
The next place I would check is the Part Transaction History Tracker. You can right click the part number to use the open with feature for this. What does that history show for a part that still has the issue?
that is good to know, we were warned that when running either refresh partbin QOH from parttran or Refresh part qtys and allocations, if you run it with a large number of parts in the filter or run it wide open, it has the risk of skipping parts.
I think I had this also. I had just a few that had blank site/plant and would throw some issues in baqs. I could see a blank site in part tracker tree view.