Has anyone created a part usage report similar to some of the data in Part Transaction History? It would be great to have a BAQ, report, or dashboard that could be created based on usage. I am hoping this will be simple. However, I thought I would see what others are doing or have done without “reinventing the wheel”. We are looking to find qty used by week, qtr, and year.
Have you looked at Part Advisor?
Here is one I have for looking at usage.
Looks at 30, 60, 90 6Mths, 1Yr , 2Yr and 3Yr
For us it is only looking a transaction types MFG-CUS, STK-CUS & STK-MTL (SubQuery1). You may need more depending on your business. There is also a filter on SubQuery3 for Part Class, you will need to change to yours or remove.
PartUsageHistory-P5.baq (34.3 KB)
Thank you. It is appreciated.
Chris, I am trying to verify some of the figures. When the report is ran are the figures as of the date the report is ran. Ie: if I run it on 10/20/2023 is that used as the date for the calculations? Thus, the 365 (YTD) figure would be 10/20/2022 to 10/20/2023 and the 30 days be 30 calendar days or 30 shop days?
Range would be 10/21/2023 to 10/20/2023. Should have a <= in formula for dates. All date calcs are for Calendar days.
The SD180 field is actual 183 days, someone wanted 6 mths after it was done.
Thank you. I was able to verify and match some figures. This will be very helpful