In the image above, the Factor of 0.001 is supposed to be 0.00048. However, we are unable to change it, and the override checkbox doesn’t work. I assume this is because we have orders, jobs, etc., all tied to that already.
So I created a new UOM Class named LBS-OTHER and set up the proper UOMs:
When I tried to do a UOM Conversion from the existing UOM Class to the new UOM Class, I am greeted with this error.
Once again, that confirms my suspicions that we cannot change that UOM. If that is the case, what other options are there in this situation? Do we need to ‘rollback’ everything done to with that part (orders, MFG Jobs, labor transactions, etc.) just to change the non-primary UOM?
I’m going to ask if you can give me a nudge in the right direction on Dual UOM. I am seeing very little about that when I search Google; with the few results I do see pertaining to selling as UOM X but using UOM Y for Inventory…I found a few posts here on Epiusers, but nothing that seemed relevant to changing the Conversion factor for an existing UOM.
This is what was stated to me in an email from our Sales Engineer:
We calculate a weight and generally overestimate at the time of quoting so that we cover our costs. Once we get the part up and running on a machine, they actually weigh the part, and we are sometimes over and sometimes under. This has been a standard throughout the fastener industry. We need to be able to change it once after initially running
Dual UOM is basically a pass through UOM Class. You create the UOM Class with whatever you want your base UOM to be. In your case, it looks like EA is your base. Then you would add the Pounds UOM to the Class and set it as Part Specific. Put the Dual UOM on the Part Attributes page and the new UOM will appear in Part UOM page. Then you can set the conversion on it.
I do have a follow up question though. Are you not using the weight fields on the Part record itself?
That sounds like what I did earlier today. I created the new UOM Class, added EA and LBS to it (LBS being Part Specific). What I didn’t do at this point was change the UOM Class to the new class I made (as discussed next).
The UOM Class can’t be changed once there are any transactions against the part though. It is greyed out/Read Only at that point in time.
You mean these fields:
Yes, they are in use…(I have a feeling you are going somewhere with that question)
So, the Dual UOM is separate from the UOM Class you chose on the Part. It basically allows you to add another UOM Class to your part if you messed something up.
Where I was going with my question was, do you really need to do the conversion? I guess I am not understanding why you need the weight as I am assuming you sell in eaches. Is the weight needed for your methods?
Yes - It is my understanding that all of our Outside Processing for these is done by weight, while our internal processing is done by count.
Looking at your screenshots, I am wondering if Dual UOM was added after 10.2.400.22, which is the version we are on here. When I go to create a new UOM Class, the only 2 types I have are “Other” and “On The Fly”.
Well darn. I assumed that was going to be the case, because trying to tell the engineering team that they need to re-think their process is not something that I am looking forward to. Those people are scary
Thank you for your help, @jkane. As always, it is appreciated.
There used to be a hidden checkbox for the has been used that once unset you could reset the conversion factor. I may have a baq that does the same thing.
I have that checkbox visible, however when I check it and hit save, it unchecks itself and the Factor box is still greyed out.
I can force the HasBeenUsed field to 0 in the database, which opens it up for editing, but I am not sure what repercussions it would have on the few existing transactions for that Part if I just made that change and called it a day.
I have not seen it go back to unsaved, but I always look at the existing parttran records to judge if the change would cause issues. I have had a few that had too many transactions to risk a change, but most are newish parts for us.
We only have 10 transactions against it. 4 ADJ-CST and 6 MFG-VEN, which isn’t too much. The jobs were just to get inventory, from what it looks like.
The fact that I can’t use that override checkbox in the way Epicor intended makes me wonder if there is something I am not seeing that might cause significant problems if I were to set the HasBeenUsed field (Override Checkbox) manually to make the Factor change.