Part Transaction type 'MFG-PLT'?

I just noticed there is a PartTRan type of ‘MFG-PLT’. Which Looks like it would be for transactions from WIP in one plant, to WIP (or maybe STK?) in another.

Is there a way to move from WIP in plant ‘A’ to WIP or STK in plant ‘B’, without having to receive it into plant ‘A’ inventory first?

We do all our manufacturing in one plant (‘A’). But often do the final shipment from another (‘B’) - where the manufactured item from ‘A’ is shipped along with inventory from ‘B’. Nothing more is done to the item from ‘A’

This requires receiving the mfg’d part into plant A’s inventory, doing a Transfer Order, receiving into B’s inventory, then shipping from ‘B’. The item is almost always unique, so we keep adding P/N’s that we’ll only ever use once. :frowning:

Just saw this in the Inventory Transaction Hierarchy tech guide.

This appears to still use a Transfer Order (which I’m okay with). But what needs to be done/setup to allow a TO for a job?

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Hmm… i dont know how you would transfer from a JOB in site A, directly to inventory in site B… maybe replenishment?
But Job to Job is “easy” but sometimes confusing.

  1. create a job in site B
  2. put a material on that job, and specify that it is make direct, and that it comes from site A (This is on the material tab in the job)
  3. when you schedule and release the job, an automatic transfer order is created to move the parts from A to B Job-to-Job.
  4. when looking at the job in site A, you will see it is a demand for site B, but you will NOT see which transfer order it is being moved on.
  5. when you complete the parts in site A, they are automatically marked as shipped in the transfer order (also confusing). They will still need received into the job in site B from the transfer order.
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So there is just the one job. And it is in site ‘B’. But all the material for it is sourced from ‘A’?

The transfer order that is automatically created, is for the components of the job, correct?

And if we happen to assemble them all together prior to physical shipment, so be it.

The TO Packer would list all the components correct? And Receiving the TO shipment at plant B would receive them to WIP or Stock?

It seems like the flow would be:

Biz Process Part Trans GL Trans
Create SO, with source of Make To Order part in Plant B N/A N/A
Create Job in Plant B, with all material sourced from plant A N/A N/A
TO Shipment for the auto TO created from the Job entry with plant A materials QOH of parts(in Plant A) on TO reduced STK-PLT, CR Plant A Inventory, DB InTransit Acct
TO Receipt at plant B N/A (parts are now in Plant B WIP) PLT-MFG, CR InTransit Acct, DB Plant B WIP acct
Customer Shipment from WIP N/A MFG-CUS, CR Plant B WIP, DB AR Accrual

Which would eliminate our current need make a P/N (with Qty Bearing), rcv the finished item into A’s inventory, create the TO, rcv into B’s inventory.

But we don’t currently do any manufacturing at the other sites. They are more like warehouses, but accounting department made us set them up as sites.

Hi Tim, I realize this is an old post but I just came across a situation where this might be helpful. My question is, in relation to Step 5, what vehicle do you use to physically ship the material from A to B?

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Wanted to provide some info after working with this. In our case, since it was a configured part that we’re building in Site B (Mfg Site), the only way the Job Costs would roll up was to enable Lot Tracking on the BasePartNum and change the Cost Method to Lot Average. Then we receive the finished Job to Inventory in Site B and ship it to Site A (Sales Site) using Transfer Order Shipment. (Note: When doing Job Receipt to Inventory, you must select the Site B warehouse/bin because the default is to the Site A warehouse/bin) It would have been nice to just ship it direct to Site A without receiving to Inventory, but Costs will only roll up when there’s an Inventory transaction (which apparently TO’s don’t count). When TO is received in Site A, the Part is automatically issued to the Site A Job and all Costs are transferred correctly.

Were you reporting qty’s completed, prior to receiving to inventory? If not, that might be why you weren’t seeing any costs with an AVG costing system.

It seems that a partial receipt to stock from a job (without reporting any qty completed), uses a 0 cost for the incoming qtys. Only when the last of the job qty is received, is a cost applied. And then its whatever is left in WIP. If the job is to make 10, and you receive 9 into stock, they go in at a zero cost. When you receive the 10th one in to stock, it’ll be costed at 10x (basically the costs in WIP, which were the cost to make 10)

We’re only doing Job Qty of 1 and it’s being reported, however, I should clarify why we used Lot Avg instead of Lot. Because this is a configured subassy (being mfg in Site B) that is make-direct to a higher level job (Site A), the same Part Number (BasePartNum) is being used for every Site B Job even though the Part is different in every Job based on options selected within the Configurator. So, if we used just Avg Cost we’d end up with a blended cost of all Jobs. Previously the company was using Std Cost which totally don’t work because of the large variations in Configured options. So, in the end (after many, many trials) we found Lot Avg to be our best solution for rolling up Job Costs and keeping them with their Part.

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That makes sense. We use configurator too. But generate a unique part number based on the configuration. We would have had the same issue with different configs being stocked under the same partnum.

@timshuwy never got back to you about what actually does the shipment in his step 5. The way it sounds, is that completing the parts automatically generates a TO Shipment against the TOrder that was automatically generated in step 3.

Oh yeah, I can share what I learned on that, too. For direct-ship to Site A, you can just use Transfer Order Shipment from Site B using the TO number that was created by Site A Job Demand. In fact, when receiving to Inventory in Site B, it still uses that same TO number in TO Shipment Entry. The tricky thing is that the only place you can see the assigned TO number is in Time Phase for the subassy in Site A. Job Prod has a field for it, but it’s not populated in the Site B Job. We’re creating a Dashboard that will show all the links between the Jobs and the corresponding TO number. Unless I’m missing it somewhere?

We sell a finished product X where the “manufacturing” must start in Site A, but then it can be finished in and shipped out of Site A, B, C, or D. We like to have everything done in Site A, but there are legitimate reasons why it sometimes has to be finished in the other sites.

X is a make to order configured part. We don’t do part number generation, and one order for X can be very different than the next, so costs are all over the place for that part. Our policy (which our users and even managers cannot seem to ever follow) is that X never touches inventory. It must ship straight from WIP. When that is followed, our costing “works”.

To deal with X needing to be manufactured in two Sites we use a Job Receipt to Job across sites.

Every job for part X has a subassembly Y where Y is linked to a separate subconfigurator. Y must be manufactured in Site A, OR Y is outsourced to a vendor. Sales enters a configuration for what the customer wants, and then Production changes the release site based on which site they want to do the finishing. Production also goes into the configuration and tweaks a couple inputs if they need to outsource Y.

Production creates the job via Order Job Wizard, and then the configurator method rules do some magic (a LOT of magic).

If X and Y are both done in site A, then Y turns into a subassembly for the finished part X’s Job. It’s a plain vanilla job with a subassembly.

If Y is outsourced, it becomes a subcontract operation for X (or a Purchase Direct Job Mtl).

If X is finished in site B, C, or D, then Y becomes a job mtl set up as Make Direct. This creates a demand for Y in Site A. Production makes a job for Y in Site A, and does a Job Receipt to Job which rolls up all the costing correctly because part Y doesn’t go into inventory.

The Job receipt to Job step creates the MFG-PLT transaction. But there is a setting in Company Config where you can make the corresponding PLT-MTL transaction happen automatically without transfer orders. So that is what we do and it works for us, despite being more complicated than I’d like it to be…


Thanks Tom, makes sense. We simplified the Configurator “magic” now that Global Variables are available. Made it much easier to pass data between the nested Configurators and write out a string which populates the Mfg site Job when Get Details is run without any input from the user. When you do the Job Receipt to Job, do you use Transfer Order Shipment?