Is there a formula to get the running total column values of all transactions pulled into a BAQ?
In general, I think you will need a calculated field to calculate the sum of TranQty by the TranNum or TranDate, something like: SUM([TranQty]) OVER (ORDER BY [TranNum])
But you will need to take the TranType into account, so there would be some CASE WHEN… ELSE… involved.
I don’t know how to do that directly in a BAQ, I have to export and do it in Excel. but one thing to watch out for is that not all PartTran rows mean the same thing by quantitiy. for example a Positive MFG-STK tran increases inventory. A positive STK-MTL tran decreases inventory. A negative STK-PLT tran increase inventory…
Did you take a look at this thread? I believe it answers your question.