I had forgotten about the override. I had never gotten it to run 9.04. I'll give it a try in 9.05.
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, Sirow Richard <rick@...> wrote:
> Carson,
> It is not a bug, but an intentional way to be able to correct errors. You can expose the field in Part Maintenance. The Help line has the procedure. Because of the possible dangers involved I do not want to post it, but will send it to anyone who asks.
> Richard L. Sirow, President
> 516-481-5100x106
> www.iccparts.com
> rick@...
> On Mar 19, 2013, at 10:37 AM, carson251 <carsonepicor@...> wrote:
> > We've had problems with part specific UOMs being inaccurate and then not having a way to fix them. I came across a bug that allows them to be changed. When using Part.UpdateExt in 9.05.700B any update to a part will clear the conversions under the partuom table. This is normally a very bad thing, but can be used to fix uoms. I have a service connect routine that does a GetByID, then UpdateExt, modifying part.number01 and passing the same data back. This changes all the conversion to 0 and allows them to be updated again. This can also be done with the business logic tester. (I would assume a updateable dashboard would also work)
> >
> > Carson
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]