Part serialization (serial numbers) question

Good morning,

I am currently analyzing a customer request, and I have a question about the serial number selection process for a serialized part.

Customer builds electronic devices, and one of the operation in their BOM is to program the device. When they program the device, they want the guy on the production floor to scan a barcode containing the necessary information to generate a serial number, and to generate the serial number in-situ.

Here is the workflow:

  • Operator scans barcode, client application generates ROM image template
  • I locate the job that produced the part
  • Assign generated serial number to job (Serial Number Assignment screen)
  • Serialize part by completing operation configured to require serial number in a labor entry
  • ROM image is populated with generated serial number, MAC addresses, etc
  • Device is programmed

My question is, why does Epicor ask me to select the serial number again when receiving to inventory, when I have already selected it when the operation was completed?

Or is the serialization done at the operation level, and then when receiving only those serial numbers that were selected when the operation was completed show up?

Do I even need to set the operation as requiring a serial number? Can I just assign the generated serial numbers to the job and then select them when receiving to inventory?

Hi Hugo,

We use serial numbers to uniquely track every pump we sell. We manufacture as well as purchase (from our parent) and resell.

This is our current serial number tracking setup per below. We do not require serial numbers from operations nor materials on our jobs. Only our top level jobs (for pumps) get a serial number. The serial numbers are assigned to the job.

So we do require serial number completion on inventory moves, shipping, receiving, transfers etc. I would expect Epicor to ask for the serial number on receipt to inventory due to the possibility of receiving partials to stock. What if all quantities on job are not complete/received, how to know which serial number is received?


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Yup! Makes sense… Thanks a bunch!