We have enterprise search enabled but cannot query part on the fly parts – how do I go back and see them or find them?
So… a Part on the fly (POTF) only exists in the spot where you reference it… if you put a POTF in the sales Order, then that is where it is stored. IF you have to make it, then you would create a job for that POTF, and then Ship it. if you have to buy it, the PO would arrive and receive to be shipped. When you ship, the parts are always shipped from a virtual location.
All that said, there are many places where you can enter a POTF:
- Quote Detail
- Quote Detail MATERIAL in the engineering
- Order Detail
- Job header
- Job Assembly
- Job Material
- PO Detail
You cannot enter a POTF in the Engineering workbench.
Getting back to your question… POTF, by its very nature is NOT stored in any central place. You CAN turn a POTF into a non-potf by simply adding it to the part master after the fact…
How do you find all the POTFs" Well… It depends on where you use them.
- if I wanted all the current POTFs that are in Sales Details, I would create a query that finds all parts where OrderDtl.PartNum does not have an equivalent Part.PartNum in the part table.
- this query could be replicated for each possible location, OR
- you could create a BAQ that joins all the possible POTF Tables into one Union Query, and then show everything without a matching part record.
Thank you for this suggestion! I know we ONLY use POTF to create quoted line items which if sold would turn into a Part. We do not sell POTF items as a business model for us.
That said I only need to create a BAQ that looks at QuoteDtl.PartNum where the Part.PartNum doesn’t have an equivalent. I am not sure I know how to do that. I will work on it though as it has real promise for what I need. Ideally, I would like to provide a dashboard in which they could enter the POTF and find the quote number that it is on. Pretty basic.
If I want to look at records that don’t have a match, I’ll do something like this:
Add a subquery that counts the occurrence of a record. In this case the Part record, with display items something like:
Company - groupby
PartNum - groupby
Calculated_NumberOfParts - sum(1)
Connect the main query to the subquery (left join) with
On the top query, add a table criteria to the subquery - PartNum IS NOT NULL
Or something like that.
Your mileage may vary.
Thank you Joe, I will try this soon.