When you create a part via part maintenance, is it possible to get all the warehouses that exist for that specific company instead of manually adding them?
When you create a part via part maintenance, is it possible to get all the warehouses that exist for that specific company instead of manually adding them?
One way I’ve done something like this is by setting up part record(s) I can use as templates.
Then I can just duplicate whichever part “template” will be closest to the new part I’m adding.
Can you be more specific?
I can’t wait for someone to say there’s a simple switch for this. Here’s how we do it in Epicor 9, if you can convert to C# and new BPM’s this should work for you: Here’s the 2 BPMs we use:
Part Data Directive:
Conditon: one added row for Part table
Action: ABL Code:
for each ttPart:
create PartPlant. /* Repeat for each Plant */
assign PartPlant.Company = ttPart.Company.
assign PartPlant.PartNum = ttPart.PartNum.
assign PartPlant.Plant = "PA" /* Plant Name */.
assign PartPlant.PrimWhse = "PA". /* Plant Primary Warehouse */
assign PartPlant.BuyToOrder = true.
assign PartPlant.CostMethod = ttPart.CostMethod.
assign PartPlant.DropShip = ttPart.DropShip.
assign PartPlant.NonStock = true.
assign PartPlant.QtyBearing = ttPart.QtyBearing.
assign PartPlant.SourceType = ttPart.TypeCode.
release PartPlant.
PartPlant Data Directive:
Condition: one added row for PartPlant table
Action: ABL Code:
for each ttPartPlant:
create PartWhse.
assign PartWhse.Company = ttPartPlant.Company.
assign PartWhse.PartNum = ttPartPlant.PartNum.
assign PartWhse.WarehouseCode = ttPartPlant.PrimWhse.
release PartWhse.
create PlantWhse.
assign PlantWhse.Company = ttPartPlant.Company.
assign PlantWhse.PartNum = ttPartPlant.PartNum.
assign PlantWhse.WarehouseCode = ttPartPlant.PrimWhse.
assign PlantWhse.Plant = ttPartPlant.Plant.
release PlantWhse.
What Bruce is referring to is a template part number…Just create a part called TEMPLATE (or whatever designation you want that no one will use). Put all of your settings against it…non-stock, warehouses, inventory min max, whatever.
Then when you go to create a new part number…pull up your TEMPLATE part, go to Actions → Duplicate part. Then all you are doing is creating the new number and description, then all of your settings are copied….what makes this so nice is if you had a default template BOM…it copies that as well!!!
M. Manasa Reddy
P: 703.471.7145 x454
Thank you for your suggestion!
Now I get it! Thanks a lot!!!
Just keep in mind there are 2 downsides of using part templates and that is when creating a new warehouse:
Because of this i would go on the BPM side - just make a BPM to check and add any missing warehouses to the part when you click save on part entry.