Part Lot Attribute pass parameter to GetNewPartLot


I have managed to get the Job number into a added field to the partLot view, but I need to pass it on to the GetNewPartLot bpm.
I assume that the bpm will be executed after the load of the Lot Attribute form and have tried to pass the job number down to the BPM. How can I do this? I have to put it in the current dataview (can see it in my form), but not in the BPM post-processing (assume that there is a new tt record created, can see the PartNum though) . Code in the form works fine and I am able to verify the JobNum in the form.

Or is there a similar way to find the calling procedure in the BPM as in the form?


private void LotAttributesForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs args)
	// Add Event Handler Code

    EpiDataView EPL = ((EpiDataView)(this.oTrans.EpiDataViews["AutoAttachpartLot"]));

	if ((EPL.Row < 0))

    foreach (Form f in Application.OpenForms)
        if (f.Name == "RcptToInvForm")
                BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public;
			    Type type = f.GetType();
			    var field = type.GetField("trans", flags);

				var transObj = field.GetValue(f);
				Type transType = transObj.GetType();
				var keyField = transType.GetProperty("KeyField",flags).GetValue(transObj);
                EPL.dataView[EPL.Row]["DrawDesc"] = keyField;

                var edvBPMData = this.oTrans.Factory("CallContextBpmData");
	            var edvBPMDataRow = edvBPMData.CurrentDataRow;
	            if(edvBPMDataRow != null)
		             edvBPMDataRow["Character01"] = keyField;


I saw that the code had the wrong dataview and field, should be the partLot view and Jobnum_c field.

I think your immediate issue is that the call context gets blown out when the core directive logic executes. Try creating a pre-proc and storing the field in a variable, it should then be accessible in the post.

But what is the end goal? Is it to store the UDF on the PartLot table?

End goal is to pick up data from previous created lots for the job and reuse them as default data.

I will try your suggestion.