Part Landing Page missing

We are now on 2024 and users pointed out to me that the Part Landing page i.e. the page that offered a grid that we could filter - is now missing from 2024.

I think i saw Tim or someone demonstrate that in the what’s new - but I don’t remember what i had for breakfast so i can’t rely on my memory :slight_smile:

Can anyone else confirm this to be true. Our users were fond of the Part entry landing page (and others).



Yes, it was removed in 2024.1


Here is the complaint page:


I just created a Tab on my home page with a baq grid. I just made a baq with all the part info I could possibly want to filter by and can right click on the part number to open it in part entry. In my opinion it allows the best of both worlds. If I know the part number I can just go to part entry and enter it. If I need to find a part I can use my baq grid to filter and right click and open it.


Here is it filtering in demo db.

Here is an example of the fields I included


Might be able to do a most-recently-modified BAQ in there too… :thinking:

I like this idea… for various reasons… but when I added a BAQ grid widget to a tab, it won’t expand… Is there a trick to that? It only fills about 1/3 of the page and is pretty unusable like that.

In our current live when I first open it, it is expanded but the second I refresh it I lose the expansion. I am guessing it is a bug, that is the one negative. I just refresh my browser tab instead of the baq and it is back to full screen.

You could also build an app quick in app studio with a baq data view

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Yeah, I thought about that as well. I’ll wait to see how much kicking & screaming there is over the loss of the Landing Page. If there is, I’ll put up an app. The BAQ is already built so it won’t take much to deploy if/when the time comes.

I actually like it – a couple more clicks to get where we need but better than having to sit and wait for the part screen to load every time it is accessed.

Could you do a customization on the layer to launch the search panel if the part field is blank when the screen is loaded that mimics the landing page?


That was my suggestion to Epicor. Break it out into a launcher app.
You could go to the “Landing Page” (launcher app), or just to part.

Probably take them no time.


And that is a bad thing? :joy:

No judgement, just a statement of fact.

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After reading the Idea’s responses, I like your idea of splitting it up and let the users decide. Our team doesn’t want landing pages but that’s probably because Kinetic is new to them and change is bad. :cheese: and all that.

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I don’t like landing pages because it’s not useful. You can’t change the sort, and seeing the same super old 100 parts, or jobs, or POs, or Invoices don’t help anyone. You have to search to find what you want anyways, so why wait for a useless page to load? If it didn’t pre-load before you put in some search parameters, I’d be all for it. But usually it’s just a waste of time.


That’s one of the suggestions from our users.

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Try this setting on your grid so it will expand to fill its container:

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I played with this a couple of months ago with the controlled release and I was able to rebuild the landing page with a little bit of effort.

I had every intention of documenting the exact steps but then….I didn’t.


This is a Home page widget… I don’t have access to App Studio to change settings.