Part Entry question

Hello, Do you know if we can import a list of parts into part maintenance?

use DMT Tool

That is what I thought. Is this available in E9? Or just 10?

All the way back to 8 :slight_smile:

Oh man I had a feeling :slight_smile: Thank you

Off topic- do you know if there is a way to find when the last time a BAQ was used?

No (not out of the box)

OK. Thank you for both of your answers!

Really quick - Can IT go and find that information on the BAQ’s? Trying to figure out what really is used before we go to E10

no only way is to turn on change tracking or BPMs for it but it won’t be retroactive.

OK. Thank you for your help

There is a “where used” function in the BAQ designer.

You could at least weed out the ones that aren’t used on a dashboard, or report.