Part Dimensions

We are on Vantage 6.1.525. I'm looking to enter dimesnios for parts
(Length, Width, and Height) and store them in the part master.
However, I don't see a spot to enter the data. Looking at the database
through an ODBC connection, I see that there are fields in the Pub_Part
table to store the information. Does anyone know how I can access
these filed so we can enter this?

Any information would be appreciated.

Joe Sanders
Systems Administrator
Wipaire, Inc
Does Vantage 8.03.404A have a place where the part dimensions (height,
width and depth) can be entered into the Part Maintenance?

Michelle C. Grman
Assistant Controller

The Greek word means - To herald divine truth as a public crier; to
preach the gospel.

P.O. Box 32
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Phone: 870-423-6242 Ext. 267
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Yes, these fields are available they are just not displayed on the
Part Maint form. We are on 403D and we just added them to the form
and they are working fine.

--- In, "Michelle C. Grman" <mcgrman@...>
> Does Vantage 8.03.404A have a place where the part dimensions
> width and depth) can be entered into the Part Maintenance?
> Michelle C. Grman
> Assistant Controller
> The Greek word means - To herald divine truth as a public crier; to
> preach the gospel.
> P.O. Box 32
> Berryville, AR 72616
> Phone: 870-423-6242 Ext. 267
> Fax: 870-423-3568
> Web Site:
> FIREPROOF, the new movie from the creators of FACING THE GIANTS,
> in theaters nationwide on September 26.
> Kerusso is your OFFICIAL SOURCE for licensed apparel! Call today!
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