I have a list of Part Numbers that I would like to find the received cost history. In my BAQ, I can currently find the up to date received united cost, but I am needing help on where to find the historical transactional amounts. If possible, I’d like to add a date of when they changed too.
If this is possible, please let me know!
I currently just have the table ERP.Part and am pulling from there. Thank you for any help!
Assuming E10’s got the same table structure as current Kinetic: use PartTran and look for transaction types starting with PUR- (assuming you’re just looking for PO receipts of any kind)…or ADJ-CST (cost adjustment). Dates should be readily available.
Hey John, I don’t see a field that shows our receipt cost for each part. Sometimes our PO’s have the incorrect unit cost than what we actually paid for said part. Is there a way to get the receipt cost of each unit? I’m assuming I need to link another table but am unsure which one to do.
Hey Randy, I don’t see a field that shows our receipt cost for each part. Sometimes our PO’s have the incorrect unit cost than what we actually paid for said part. Is there a way to get the receipt cost of each unit? I’m assuming I need to link another table but am unsure which one to do.