Part cost history BAQ

I have a list of Part Numbers that I would like to find the received cost history. In my BAQ, I can currently find the up to date received united cost, but I am needing help on where to find the historical transactional amounts. If possible, I’d like to add a date of when they changed too.

If this is possible, please let me know!

I currently just have the table ERP.Part and am pulling from there. Thank you for any help!

Assuming E10’s got the same table structure as current Kinetic: use PartTran and look for transaction types starting with PUR- (assuming you’re just looking for PO receipts of any kind)…or ADJ-CST (cost adjustment). Dates should be readily available.


Yes, PartTran table is where you’ll find historical part data.


Hey John, I don’t see a field that shows our receipt cost for each part. Sometimes our PO’s have the incorrect unit cost than what we actually paid for said part. Is there a way to get the receipt cost of each unit? I’m assuming I need to link another table but am unsure which one to do.


Hey Randy, I don’t see a field that shows our receipt cost for each part. Sometimes our PO’s have the incorrect unit cost than what we actually paid for said part. Is there a way to get the receipt cost of each unit? I’m assuming I need to link another table but am unsure which one to do.


PartTran.ExtCost should have the total value of the transaction.

Also in PartTran…the five buckets that make up the total unit cost…
MtlUnitCost / LbrUnitCost / BurUnitCost / SubUnitCost / MtlBurUnitCost

Where applicable on purchased items, the material burden contains the landed cost