Part attributes set from Configurator

We have a configurator for part creation that also creates the description and sets the Integration defaults in the part table. We would like to also set some of the Attributes in the part table. We tried with document rules but it shows 2 of the fields on the attribute sheet. Am I missing something or is there a better way to do this from the configurator?

Dan, not sure if this is still a problem for you, but Document Rules / Target Entities does not list every field. It should show custom fields but I too noticed that most of the attributes are not their. However, if you put the field in the expression anyway, it should pas syntax and function. For example Part.Specification is not in the list but the following will work. I find this true for most of the tables listed in Document Rules.

Part.Specification = “test”;

And of course you can set the field to any expression you wish.
Let us know if this is still an issue.


Thank you Don. I will give it a try. I appreciate the response.