Parameter for Calc Field in BAQ

So, I have several Calculated field sin my query and some of them must be employee input. So I’d like to set those as parameters. Is it possible to set parameters for the Calc fields? I want to call this via API. So, being able to have those parameters entered by my employee and the BAQ then to run with those in place makes this work exactly as I would want it too.

Pretty sure BAQ Parameters can be accessed by calculated fields.

Do you need help creating BAQ Parameters?

I know how to define the parameters, but how do I set the calc field as a parameter? Hope this is making sense.

So you want user input to be used in a caclulated field, and then filter on that cal field?

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Yes. If it is possible.

Make a sub-query that has a calculated field based on a parameter.

Link the sub query to your main query

Set Query Criteria for the sub-query

Now the calculated field will do it’s thing with the user enetered value. and the link between the subq and main querywill act to allow only selecting records where the calculation yields a desired result.

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Thanks! I will play with that and see if I can get it too work.

It doesn’t have to return a true/false. You can make the calc field return whatever you want, and then set the criteria as desired

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This was very helpful. One other thing to note is that the parameter has to be mandatory or else it will not show up in the BAQ calculation widget.


this :point_up_2:
Also cannot have ‘Skip condition if empty’