I’ve been working within the PackSlip report and found a recent annoying issue. The Details Group within the Tablix of the report gets duplicated. I’ve done some testing and troubleshooting and it appears to be the Part table that is causing this. Without the Part relationship within the report, this issue does not occur.
What information are you trying to get from the Part table?
Do you need to add a relationship at all? PartNum is already a “linked table” on ShipDtl (already turned on in the base PackSlip RDD). You should just be able to add query fields, like T2.PartNum_whatever.
May have to review the description fields on the PartNum linked table… but you shouldn’t need to add a relationship to the query.
So would I just need to make the fields within the dataset T2.UD_ExportRating_C & T2.UD_SecGrading_c or is there more to the process to be able to pull these fields in?
Yes, all you should need do is unexclude any linked table columns you wish to add to the report, and update the dataset correctly with the added fields.
Thank you both for your support! I got it to work and no more duplication within the reports. Also makes a lot of sense now and really useful to know that now for future reports.
I then used the following structure within the dataset
FROM ShipHead_" + Parameters!TableGuid.Value + " T1
LEFT OUTER JOIN ShipDtl_" + Parameters!TableGuid.Value + " T2
ON T1.Company = T2.Company AND T1.PackNum = T2.PackNum
However, the issue is that the data within Commodity Code is not pulled into the report this way. If I was to put Part back into the dataset, this would pull the data although, of course the data would then be duplicated which was the original issue.
I have tried using different PartNum linked tables within other datasources of the RDD but they all have this issue where the fields show up under the linked table description, but they don’t pull the data.
I then decided to try something like the below to see if that would work but yet again nothing. Linked tables has been really helpful in working on other reports but I just can’t figure out this one and it’s really bugging me.
FROM ShipHead_" + Parameters!TableGuid.Value + " T1
LEFT OUTER JOIN ShipDtl_" + Parameters!TableGuid.Value + " T2
ON T1.Company = T2.Company AND T1.PackNum = T2.PackNum
LEFT OUTER JOIN Part_" + Parameters!TableGuid.Value + " T3
ON T2.Company = T3.Company AND T2.PartNum = T3.PartNum"