Packing Time modifier?

Is there anything that would allow parts to be backed up an appropriate amount of time when we want to leave time for “preparation”. Here’s what I am trying to do. I want MRP to get a part ready to be fulfilled X days before the demand requirement. I’m looking for like an offset or other modifier that says: The order is due on 3/21, but I need one line item’s job done 3 days earlier than the “ship by” date. We’ve used Receive Time for this type of thing before but the problem is that Receive Time doesn’t back up the required by date, it backs up the start date. We don’t use start date currently. Before I explore that, I was wondering if something else might already exist to add a buffer.

It also backs up the due date of the final operation.

What is the real reason for the delay? Would it make sense to add a backflush operation that accounts for the time?

due date, but not job required by date. We don’t use scheduling as of today so the start/end dates it calculates are basically meaningless because we’re infinitely scheduled. So I was hoping to get something to push back the job required by date - but if not, I’m open to exploring using the Due Date.

I’ve posted about what we do in the past and it’s no secret that we probably don’t do things the “right way”… but we sell equipment and then we also install said equipment onto trucks. So the equipment sale needs to be its own line but it’s needed to be done in some cases a week or two before the order is due to ship because it’s needed to be able to start the installation on the truck. By all means, if there’s a better way, let me know. I’m probably stuck in a box.

Queue Time and Move Time on the resource group is factored into scheduling, I believe.

So, if you want to add a buffer to the start of an operation… add hours to Queue Time.

Or, if I’m reading correctly, you could add a Move Time of 36 hrs to the resource group of your final operation. This may add a 3 day buffer between when that operation actually ends and the due date.

Move Time: The number of hours of delay that occurs when an operation leaves this Resource Group before the next operation can begin in a different Resource Group.

I don’t know how this may impact the backwards schedule if/when applied to a final operation. You’d have to test.


We are infinitely scheduled as well and our dates are the opposite of meaningless so I can’t relate here. How are people meant to know what jobs to run when in your system?

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I remember your last post on this. Did people not like changing the Ship By on the second line of the SO? I still think that is your best bet.

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I think the real reason they are meaningless is because we only schedule things by week. So everything is due on Friday. Thus, Start Date and Due Date are not critical because everything is the same. A block of 10 jobs, for example, all due on Friday the 21st will say they are due on the 20th and to start them on the 11th. Or whatever. We only pay attention to the Job Req By Date today and it tells the supervisors how many to build per week. They manage the daily work load. If that makes sense.

Long story short, if I can make it work using Job Required By date, I won’t have to change anything else that people are accustomed to. (which is preferred). But if I don’t have another way, I will look into some of the other settings @dcamlin mentioned and things like that and then the job start/due date may have to become meaningful.

@dcamlin You are correct. I have a queue time on the audit rg to give them a day and we have 2 hours on mold of move, so there is cure time built in on each mold operation.


The issue was the change back I think. It was not acceptable (and I don’t remember all of the specifics). I’d have to go back to my Teams chats and try to remember… I will message the guy in Inside Sales to see if he remembers. But when shipped, the Ship By dates had to be matching and on the proper day the whole order was due.