Packing Slip Changes after Invoicing

Occasionally we will have a customer contact us and ask for a packing slip to be modified after the parts ship and are invoiced. Does anyone know of a workaround or cheat to update shipdtl records so we can print a corrected packing slip? I tried an updateable baq but are getting errors. I suspect the BO logic prohibits updating.

I’m not sure of the “legal” aspects of the following… But you could preview that packer as a Word doc, edit it, and then send them the edited version. Might want to include some fine print that it is a substitute packer.

If you need something that would record the changes in E10, you could add UD fields to the packer tables, make a uBAQ to update them, and a special report style that uses the UD fields in place of the original data.

I think if you add UD fields to ShipDtl and the record is locked down due to being invoiced, the UD fields are still locked through the business object. At least, that’s my experience with UD fields added to LaborDtl and POHead. The records have to be unlocked by either Recalling or Un-Approving the records before you can edit the UD fields.

Alternatively, you could tie a UD table as a child to the ShipDtl – that would allow you to continue to make changes to the custom fields after the invoice is posted.

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I thought there might be a chance that the UD fields would get locked. But was hoping that they wouldn’t, as not all do. The TrackinNumber field is an example of one that is changeable after being invoiced.

But yeah, using a UD table might be required.

Really need to know what kind of changes are required.

  • Just comments added?
  • Qty’s displayed in customers UOMs?
  • Part Description changed?
  • Part Number changed?
  • Ship To info?

That last one (Ship To address) is a problem for us. Most of our shipments go out via a trucking company, and their paperwork really determines where it end up. So not uncommon for the address on our Packer to be incorrect. But it does affect Tax calcs.

Just tried it in our Test company with a couple of Number fields we have on our ShipDtl records. This record had already been invoiced.