My company would like to have the packing materials pick/issue during shipment out, and these materials should not be displayed in any customer documents like SO, invoice or packing slip.
May I know how to set it up? The packing materials will be different for shipment configuration.
So someone “designs” the way it is packed before hand? Like calling out:
(1) 24x24x12 corragated box (P/N BOX-111)
(1) piece of 24x24x1-1/2 Foam board (P/N XYZ-123)
(1) Diecut foam for WIdgets (P/N XYZ-301)
(1) piece of 24x24x1-1/2 Foam board (P/N XYZ-123)
Or you want to limit it to certain types of materials, but give the packers the freedom to pack “as necessary”. Like if the product was going to Tree Huggers Inc., it only uses the more expensive bio-degradable packing peanuts. Where as shipments to Globe Fraquers use the cheap (and non-environmentally friendly) peanuts.
You could add the packing materials required to the MOM and associate them to the “Packing” operation. That way they would not be required until that operation and they could change with the different MOM’s
We do similar to this. Sometimes we add them to a method. Sometimes we add them right to the job.
Both are done based on our sales order entry specs for shipment requirements.
I’m not sure if Li is using a job to fulfill order or just inventory…
I was thinking that it was for the shipping packaging. Not the products package.
And that it would vary with what is being shipped.
We have a similar issue where we make cable assemblies, but may put several on one reel. Normally the product configurator specifies the smallest reel to hold the part. But an order might consist of 20’, 30’ and 50’ cable assy’s. Our smallest reel can hold 250’. But a 20, 30 and 50 can all fit on that. So we have an input to suppress the real on some of them, and not that they are to be added to the reel for the 50’ assy.