Pack Slip - shipped but called back from UPS - never got to customer

We have an odd issue here. We have an order that we shipped early (customer requested a later receipt date) in error. We called UPS and had them return the package to us. Since EOD was already completed, the system shows the pack slip as complete and created the transactions to generate the invoice. We keep deleting the invoice as we don’t want to bill the customer yet. However, we can’t figure out how to void/delete the pack slip so it stops trying to pull in to the daily invoice file. We prefer to generate a new pack slip when we re-ship it to the customer. Thanks for any advice.


There is a process to make corrections to a completed pack out that you can get from support.

You make a corrections packing station and then using that you do staging then delete the stage and it reopens the packout so you can reuse later or delete.

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Thanks, Greg. Packing station??

Are you using Manifest and processed end of day in Manifest?


Yes, that is correct.

We had similiar issue, and support advise that the best way would be to create an RMA to put pcs back into stock and generate credit memo for the invoice.


Once you process end of day in Manifest you cannot unfreight the pack. You will have to process an RMA.

Sorry, Workstation. My call was 3273125ESC. The document you need is called Epicor Cleaning up a manifested pack.

It is a vantage document, but we have used it several times in 905.702A.


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There is a workaround to Unfreight after EOD has been run.

Open Customer Shipment Entry
Search for or type in the Pack ID
In Stage, type in UNFREIGHT
Status changes to Staged
Right click in Stage and go to Stage Ship Confirm
Selected the Pack
Hit refresh and the status changes to closed

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Thank you all for the input. We ended up just processing the invoice and then creating a credit to clear it. We added another line to the sales order and will ship against that new line. If this ever happens again, we’ll try the above suggestions first. Thanks again!!